Kelly Jakubowski
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Cited by
Dissecting an earworm: Melodic features and song popularity predict involuntary musical imagery.
K Jakubowski, S Finkel, L Stewart, D Müllensiefen
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 11 (2), 122, 2017
Music-evoked autobiographical memories in everyday life
K Jakubowski, A Ghosh
Psychology of music 49 (3), 649-666, 2021
Interpersonal entrainment in music performance: theory, method, and model
M Clayton, K Jakubowski, T Eerola, PE Keller, A Camurri, G Volpe, ...
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 38 (2), 136-194, 2020
Sticky tunes: how do people react to involuntary musical imagery?
VJ Williamson, LA Liikkanen, K Jakubowski, L Stewart
PLoS One 9 (1), e86170, 2014
Tunes stuck in your brain: The frequency and affective evaluation of involuntary musical imagery correlate with cortical structure
N Farrugia, K Jakubowski, R Cusack, L Stewart
Consciousness and cognition 35, 66-77, 2015
Absolute memory for pitch: A comparative replication of Levitin’s 1994 study in six European labs
K Frieler, T Fischinger, K Schlemmer, K Lothwesen, K Jakubowski, ...
Musicae Scientiae 17 (3), 334-349, 2013
The speed of our mental soundtracks: Tracking the tempo of involuntary musical imagery in everyday life
K Jakubowski, N Farrugia, AR Halpern, SK Sankarpandi, L Stewart
Memory & Cognition 43, 1229-1242, 2015
Decoding emotions in expressive music performances: A multi-lab replication and extension study
J Akkermans, R Schapiro, D Müllensiefen, K Jakubowski, D Shanahan, ...
Cognition and Emotion, 2019
Shared periodic performer movements coordinate interactions in duo improvisations
T Eerola, K Jakubowski, N Moran, PE Keller, M Clayton
Royal Society Open Science 5 (2), 171520, 2018
Extracting coarse body movements from video in music performance: A comparison of automated computer vision techniques with motion capture data
K Jakubowski, T Eerola, P Alborno, G Volpe, A Camurri, M Clayton
Frontiers in Digital Humanities 4, 9, 2017
Universality and cross-cultural variation in mental representations of music revealed by global comparison of rhythm priors
N Jacoby, R Polak, J Grahn, DJ Cameron, KM Lee, R Godoy, ...
PsyArXiv, 2021
A cross-sectional study of reminiscence bumps for music-related memories in adulthood
K Jakubowski, T Eerola, B Tillmann, F Perrin, L Heine
Music & Science 3, 2059204320965058, 2020
Involuntary musical imagery as a component of ordinary music cognition: A review of empirical evidence
LA Liikkanen, K Jakubowski
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 27 (6), 1195-1217, 2020
Interpersonal entrainment in Indian instrumental music performance: Synchronization and movement coordination relate to tempo, dynamics, metrical and cadential structure
M Clayton, K Jakubowski, T Eerola
Musicae Scientiae 23 (3), 304-331, 2019
Probing imagined tempo for music: Effects of motor engagement and musical experience
K Jakubowski, N Farrugia, L Stewart
Psychology of Music 44 (6), 1274-1288, 2016
Replication in music psychology
K Frieler, D Müllensiefen, T Fischinger, K Schlemmer, K Jakubowski, ...
Musicae Scientiae 17 (3), 265-276, 2013
The effect of exercise-induced arousal on chosen tempi for familiar melodies
K Jakubowski, AR Halpern, M Grierson, L Stewart
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 22, 559-565, 2015
Phenomenological differences in music-and television-evoked autobiographical memories
K Jakubowski, AM Belfi, T Eerola
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 38 (5), 435-455, 2021
Involuntary and voluntary recall of musical memories: A comparison of temporal accuracy and emotional responses
K Jakubowski, Z Bashir, N Farrugia, L Stewart
Memory & cognition 46, 741-756, 2018
The influence of music-elicited emotions and relative pitch on absolute pitch memory for familiar melodies
K Jakubowski, D Müllensiefen
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (7), 1259-1267, 2013
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Articles 1–20