Eva S. Potharst
Eva S. Potharst
Psychologist, IMH-specialist and researcher, UvA minds
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High incidence of multi-domain disabilities in very preterm children at five years of age
ES Potharst, AG van Wassenaer, BA Houtzager, JWP van Hus, BF Last, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 159 (1), 79-85, 2011
Mindful with your baby: Feasibility, acceptability, and effects of a mindful parenting group training for mothers and their babies in a mental health context
ES Potharst, E Aktar, M Rexwinkel, M Rigterink, SM Bögels
Mindfulness 8, 1236-1250, 2017
Motor impairment in very preterm‐born children: links with other developmental deficits at 5 years of age
JW Van Hus, ES Potharst, M Jeukens‐Visser, JH Kok, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 56 (6), 587-594, 2014
Prediction of cognitive abilities at the age of 5 years using developmental follow‐up assessments at the age of 2 and 3 years in very preterm children
ES Potharst, BA Houtzager, L Van Sonderen, P Tamminga, JH Kok, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 54 (3), 240-246, 2012
Perinatal risk factors for neurocognitive impairments in preschool children born very preterm
ES Potharst, AG VAN WASSENAER‐LEEMHUIS, BA Houtzager, ...
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 55 (2), 178-184, 2013
Difference in mother–child interaction between preterm‐and term‐born preschoolers with and without disabilities
ES Potharst, C Schuengel, BF Last, AG van Wassenaer, JH Kok, ...
Acta paediatrica 101 (6), 597-603, 2012
A randomized control trial evaluating an online mindful parenting training for mothers with elevated parental stress
ES Potharst, MGBM Boekhorst, I Cuijlits, KEM Van Broekhoven, A Jacobs, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1550, 2019
Mindful parenting in secondary child mental health: Key parenting predictors of treatment effects
LM Emerson, E Aktar, E de Bruin, E Potharst, S Bögels
Mindfulness 12, 532-542, 2021
Mindful parenting training in a clinical versus non-clinical setting: An explorative study
ES Potharst, JMD Baartmans, SM Bögels
Mindfulness 12 (2), 504-518, 2021
Risk and protective factors for pre‐and postnatal bonding
I Cuijlits, AP Van De Wetering, JJ Endendijk, AL Van Baar, ES Potharst, ...
Infant mental health journal 40 (6), 768-785, 2019
Evaluating mindful with your baby/toddler: Observational changes in maternal sensitivity, acceptance, mind-mindedness, and dyadic synchrony
MAJ Zeegers, ES Potharst, IK Veringa-Skiba, E Aktar, M Goris, SM Bögels, ...
Frontiers in psychology 10, 753, 2019
Online mindfulness-based intervention for women with pregnancy distress: design of a randomized controlled trial
LP Hulsbosch, I Nyklíček, ES Potharst, M Meems, MGBM Boekhorst, ...
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 20, 1-10, 2020
Mindful with your toddler group training: Feasibility, acceptability, and effects on subjective and objective measures
ES Potharst, M Zeegers, SM Bögels
Mindfulness 12 (2), 489-503, 2021
The understanding and self-reported use of emotional display rules in children with autism spectrum disorders
S Begeer, R Banerjee, C Rieffe, MM Terwogt, E Potharst, H Stegge, ...
Cognition & Emotion 25 (5), 947-956, 2011
Does mothers’ self-reported mindful parenting relate to the observed quality of parenting behavior and mother-child interaction?
ES Potharst, A Leyland, C Colonnesi, IK Veringa, EA Salvadori, ...
Mindfulness 12, 344-356, 2021
Development of a pre-and postnatal bonding scale (PPBS)
I Cuijlits, VD Wetering AP, ES Potharst, SEM Truijens, AL van Baar, P Vjm
Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy 6 (5), 2016
Trait mindfulness during pregnancy and perception of childbirth
LP Hulsbosch, MGBM Boekhorst, ES Potharst, VJM Pop, I Nyklíček
Archives of Women's Mental Health 24, 281-292, 2021
Family mindfulness training for childhood ADHD: Short-and long-term effects on children, fathers and mothers
SM Bögels, FJ Oort, E Potharst, R van Roosmalen, JMG Williams, ...
Mindfulness 12, 3011-3025, 2021
Mindfulness during pregnancy and parental stress in mothers raising toddlers
MGBM Boekhorst, ES Potharst, A Beerthuizen, LP Hulsbosch, V Bergink, ...
Mindfulness 11, 1747-1761, 2020
Maternal and paternal perception of child vulnerability and behaviour problems in very preterm born children
ES Potharst, BA Houtzager, AG van Wassenaer‐Leemhuis, JH Kok, ...
Infant and Child Development 24 (5), 489-505, 2015
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