Jon Kvist
Jon Kvist
Institute of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University
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Nordic welfare states in the European context
J Fritzell, B Hvinden, M Kautto, J Kvist, H Uusitalo
Routledge, 2005
Does EU enlargement start a race to the bottom? Strategic interaction among EU member states in social policy
J Kvist
Journal of European Social Policy 14 (3), 301-318, 2004
Welfare reform in the Nordic countries in the 1990s: using fuzzy-set theory to assess conformity to ideal types
J Kvist
Journal of European social policy 9 (3), 231-252, 1999
Bringing the Jobless into Work?: Experiences with Activation Schemes in Europe and the US
W Eichhorst
Springer, 2008
Changing social equality: The Nordic welfare model in the 21st century
J Kvist, J Fritzell
Policy Press, 2011
Fuzzy set ideal type analysis
J Kvist
Journal of Business Research 60 (5), 474-481, 2007
Has the Nordic welfare model been transformed?
J Kvist, B Greve
Social Policy & Administration 45 (2), 146-160, 2011
Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: The making of a classic
P Emmenegger, J Kvist, P Marx, K Petersen
Journal of European Social Policy 25 (1), 3-13, 2015
A framework for social investment strategies: Integrating generational, life course and gender perspectives in the EU social investment strategy
J Kvist
The Sovereign Debt Crisis, the EU and Welfare State Reform, 43-67, 2016
The Europeanisation of social protection
J Kvist, J Saari
Policy Press, 2007
Social security in Europe: development or dismantlement?
N Ploug, J Kvist
(No Title), 1996
On condition of work: increasing work requirements in unemployment compensation schemes
J Clasen, J Kvist, W Van Oorschot
Nordic welfare states in the European context, 198-231, 2001
Nordic welfare states
O Kangas, J Kvist
Routledge handbook of the welfare state, 124-136, 2018
The post-crisis European social model: developing or dismantling social investments?
J Kvist
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 29 (1), 91-107, 2013
Pressures on State Welfare in Post‐industrial Societies: Is More or Less Better?
MM Jaeger, J Kvist
Social Policy & Administration 37 (6), 555-572, 2003
Diversity, ideal types and fuzzy sets in comparative welfare state research
J Kvist
Innovative Comparative Methods for Policy Analysis: Beyond the Quantitative …, 2006
European labour market policies in (the) crisis
J Clasen
Parallel trends, persistent diversity: Nordic welfare states in the European and global context
M Kautto, J Kvist
Global Social Policy 2 (2), 189-208, 2002
Making the most of configurational comparative analysis: An assessment of QCA applications in comparative welfare-state research
P Emmenegger, J Kvist, SE Skaaning
Political research quarterly, 185-190, 2013
Activating welfare states. How social policies can promote employment
J Kvist
What future for social security?, 197-210, 2002
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