Reduction of the three-particle collision problem to multi-channel two-particle Lippmann-Schwinger equations EO Alt, P Grassberger, W Sandhas
Nuclear Physics B 2 (2), 167-180, 1967
1204 1967 Systematical treatment of the non-relativistic n-particle scattering problem P Grassberger, W Sandhas
Nuclear Physics B 2 (2), 181-206, 1967
338 1967 Coulomb effects in three-body reactions with two charged particles EO Alt, W Sandhas, H Ziegelmann
Physical Review C 17 (6), 1981, 1978
208 1978 Treatment of the three-and four-nucleon systems by a generalized separable-potential model EO Alt, P Grassberger, W Sandhas
Physical Review C 1 (1), 85, 1970
156 1970 Scattering amplitudes and integral equations for the collision of two charged composite particles EO Alt, W Sandhas
Physical Review C 21 (5), 1733, 1980
136 1980 Quasibound states of -nucleus systems SA Rakityansky, SA Sofianos, M Braun, VB Belyaev, W Sandhas
Physical Review C 53 (5), R2043, 1996
130 1996 Binding energies and scattering observables in the 4 He3 atomic system AK Motovilov, W Sandhas, SA Sofianos, EA Kolganova
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2001
129 2001 Coulomb corrections in proton-deuteron scattering EO Alt, W Sandhas, H Zankel, H Ziegelmann
Physical Review Letters 37 (23), 1537, 1976
85 1976 Calculation of proton-deuteron phase parameters including the coulomb force EO Alt, W Sandhas, H Ziegelmann
Nuclear Physics A 445 (3), 429-461, 1985
76 1985 Mø ller operators for scattering on singular potentials J Kupsch, W Sandhas
66 1966 The 4 He Trimer as an Efimov System EA Kolganova, AK Motovilov, W Sandhas
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50 2011 Non-relativistic n-particle scattering problem EO Alt, P Grassberger, W Sandhas
JINR report, 1972
46 1972 Lecture at XI. Internationale Universitatswochen fiir Kemphysik, Schladming, Austria W Sandhas
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45 * 1972 Threshold scattering of the η-meson off light nuclei SA Rakityansky, SA Sofianos, W Sandhas, VB Belyaev
Physics Letters B 359 (1-2), 33-38, 1995
43 1995 Faddeev-type calculation of η d threshold scattering NV Shevchenko, SA Rakityansky, SA Sofianos, VB Belyaev, W Sandhas
Physical Review C 58 (6), R3055, 1998
41 1998 Two-body bound state problem and nonsingular scattering equations EA Bartnik, H Haberzettl, W Sandhas
Physical Review C 34 (5), 1520, 1986
40 1986 Effective two-body equations for the four-body problem with exact treatment of (2+ 2)-subsystem contributions H Haberzettl, W Sandhas
Physical Review C 24 (2), 359, 1981
39 1981 Separable pole expansions in four-nucleon bound state calculations SA Sofianos, H Fiedeldey, H Haberzettl, W Sandhas
Physical Review C 26 (1), 228, 1982
38 1982 Dependence of four-body observables on the range of effective interactions like those of the unitary pole approximation R Perne, W Sandhas
Physical Review Letters 39 (13), 788, 1977
38 1977 Few Body Dynamics W Sandhas
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37 1976