Eliad Cohen
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Cited by
Design and locomotion control of a soft robot using friction manipulation and motor–tendon actuation
V Vikas, E Cohen, R Grassi, C Sözer, B Trimmer
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 32 (4), 949-959, 2016
3D freeform printing of silk fibroin
MJ Rodriguez, TA Dixon, E Cohen, W Huang, FG Omenetto, DL Kaplan
Acta biomaterialia 71, 379-387, 2018
Bioinspired three-dimensional human neuromuscular junction development in suspended hydrogel arrays
TA Dixon, E Cohen, DM Cairns, M Rodriguez, J Mathews, RR Jose, ...
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 24 (6), 346-359, 2018
Prospective materials for biodegradable and/or biobased pressure-sensitive adhesives: a review
E Cohen, O Binshtok, A Dotan, H Dodiuk
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 1-16, 2012
Design and manufacturing of tendon-driven soft foam robots
N Kastor, R Mukherjee, E Cohen, V Vikas, BA Trimmer, RD White
Robotica 38 (1), 88-105, 2020
A definition of soft materials for use in the design of robots
N Kastor, V Vikas, E Cohen, RD White
Soft Robot 4 (3), 181-182, 2017
Design methodologies for soft-material robots through additive manufacturing, from prototyping to locomotion
E Cohen, V Vikas, B Trimmer, S McCarthy
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2015
Locomotion of a Simple Foam Robot
N Kastor, R Mukherjee, E Cohen, V Vikas, B Trimmer, RD White
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Articles 1–8