Sara Metcalf
Sara Metcalf
Professor of Geography, University at Buffalo
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Cited by
Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change
B Beckage, LJ Gross, K Lacasse, E Carr, SS Metcalf, JM Winter, PD Howe, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (1), 79-84, 2018
Growing Buffalo's capacity for local food: A systems framework for sustainable agriculture
SS Metcalf, MJ Widener
Applied Geography 31 (4), 1242-51, 2011
Modeling the spread of the emerald ash borer
TK BenDor, SS Metcalf, LE Fontenot, B Sangunett, B Hannon
Ecological modelling 197 (1-2), 221-236, 2006
Strategic directions for agent-based modeling: avoiding the YAAWN syndrome
D O’Sullivan, T Evans, S Manson, S Metcalf, A Ligmann-Zielinska, C Bone
Journal of land use science 11 (2), 177-187, 2016
Enhancing implementation science by applying best principles of systems science
ME Northridge, SS Metcalf
Health Research Policy and Systems 14, 1-8, 2016
Dynamic urban food environments: a temporal analysis of access to healthy foods
MJ Widener, SS Metcalf, Y Bar-Yam
American journal of preventive medicine 41 (4), 439-441, 2011
Agent-based modeling of policies to improve urban food access for low-income populations
MJ Widener, SS Metcalf, Y Bar-Yam
Applied Geography 40, 1-10, 2013
Developing a mobile produce distribution system for low-income urban residents in food deserts
MJ Widener, SS Metcalf, Y Bar-Yam
Journal of Urban Health 89, 733-745, 2012
The dynamics of brownfield redevelopment
TK BenDor, SS Metcalf, M Paich
Sustainability 3 (6), 914-936, 2011
Simulating the effects of social networks on a population’s hurricane evacuation participation
MJ Widener, MW Horner, SS Metcalf
Journal of geographical systems 15, 193-209, 2013
Sharing the floodplain: Mediated modeling for environmental management
SS Metcalf, E Wheeler, TK BenDor, KS Lubinski, BM Hannon
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (11), 1282-1290, 2010
The spatial dynamics of invasive species spread
TK BenDor, SS Metcalf
System Dynamics Review: The Journal of the System Dynamics Society 22 (1), 27-50, 2006
Modeling social dimensions of oral health among older adults in urban environments
SS Metcalf, ME Northridge, MJ Widener, B Chakraborty, SE Marshall, ...
Health Education & Behavior 40 (1_suppl), 63S-73S, 2013
Spatial dynamics of social network evolution
S Metcalf, M Paich
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 2005
The Earth has humans, so why don’t our climate models?
B Beckage, K Lacasse, JM Winter, LJ Gross, N Fefferman, FM Hoffman, ...
Climatic Change 163, 181-188, 2020
Spatial discounting, place attachment, and environmental concern: Toward an ambit-based theory of sense of place
A Zia, BG Norton, SS Metcalf, PD Hirsch, BM Hannon
Journal of Environmental Psychology 40, 283-295, 2014
Integrating grey and green infrastructure to improve the health and well-being of urban populations
ES Svendsen, ME Northridge, SS Metcalf
Cities and the Environment (CATE) 5 (1): article 3. 5 (1), 1-9, 2012
Modeling accessibility of screening and treatment facilities for older adults using transportation networks
Q Zhang, ME Northridge, Z Jin, SS Metcalf
Applied geography 93, 64-75, 2018
Community-led reforestation: cultivating the potential of virtuous cycles to confer resilience in disaster disrupted social–ecological systems
KG Tidball, S Metcalf, M Bain, T Elmqvist
Sustainability Science 13 (3), 797-813, 2018
A systems perspective for dental health in older adults
SS Metcalf, ME Northridge, IB Lamster
American Journal of Public Health 101 (10), 1820-1823, 2011
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Articles 1–20