Rodrigo Castro Cornejo
Rodrigo Castro Cornejo
Assistant Professor, UMASS-Lowell
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Says who? An experiment on allegations of corruption and credibility of sources
S Botero, RC Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavao, DW Nickerson
Political Research Quarterly 68 (3), 493-504, 2015
Expert opinion on climate change and threats to biodiversity
D Javeline, JJ Hellmann, RC Cornejo, G Shufeldt
BioScience 63 (8), 666-673, 2013
Partisanship and Question-Wording Effects: Experimental Evidence from Latin America
R Castro Cornejo
Public Opinion Quarterly 83 (1), 26-45, 2019
Expert opinion on extinction risk and climate change adaptation for biodiversity
D Javeline, JJ Hellmann, JS McLachlan, DF Sax, MW Schwartz, ...
Elem Sci Anth 3, 2015
The AMLO Voter: Affective Polarization and the Rise of the Left in Mexico
R Castro Cornejo
Journal of Politics in Latin America 15 (1), 96-112, 2023
Are all types of wrongdoing created equal in the eyes of voters?
S Botero, R Castro Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavão, DW Nickerson
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 1-18, 2019
Anger, Partisanship, and the Activation of Populist Attitudes in Mexico
R Castro Cornejo, S Ley, U Beltrán
Política y gobierno 27 (2), 2020
2018 Elections: A Historical Political Juncture in Mexico
FJ Aparicio, RC Cornejo
Política y Gobierno, 2020
Religious Engagement, Civic Skills, and Political Participation in Latin America
AP Audette, M Brockway, R Castro Cornejo
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 59 (1), 101-118, 2020
Estudio Nacional Electoral (CIDE-CSES) 2018
U Beltrán, S Ley, RC Cornejo
Mexico: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, 2020
Clientelistic Activation of Mexican Voters: Between Vote Buying and Political Communication
U Beltran, R Castro Cornejo
Política y Gobierno 26 (2), 171-203, 2019
Short-and Long-Term Partisanship: Campaign Effects and the Stability of Party Identification in Latin America
RC Cornejo
Latin American Research Review 56 (2), 300-317, 2021
How do campaigns matter? Independents, political information, and the enlightening role of campaigns in Mexico
R Castro Cornejo
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 33 (4), 779-798, 2021
Same scandal, different interpretations: politics of corruption, anger, and partisan bias in Mexico
RC Cornejo
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 33 (3), 497-518, 2023
From election day to presidential approval: Partisanship and the honeymoon period in Mexico
RC Cornejo, U Beltrán, S Ley, R Galicia
Electoral Studies 75, 102438, 2022
Under friendly fire: An experiment on partisan press, fragmented opposition and voting behavior
S Botero, RC Cornejo, L Gamboa, N Pavão, DW Nickerson
Electoral Studies 60, 102044, 2019
Who Receives Electoral Gifts? It Depends on Question Wording: Experimental Evidence from Mexico
RC Cornejo, U Beltrán
Political Behavior, 2020
Clientelismo de gorra y camiseta
U Beltrán, RC Cornejo
Nexos, 2015
Why Do Clientelist Brokers Go Rogue? Parties, Politicians, and Intermediaries in Mexico
J Langston, RC Cornejo
Perspectives on Politics 21 (1), 43-58, 2023
List Experiments, Political Sophistication, and Vote Buying: Experimental Evidence from Mexico
R Castro Cornejo, U Beltrán
Journal of Politics in Latin America 12 (2), 219-234, 2020
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