François Cayre
François Cayre
Grenoble-INP / GIPSA-Lab
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Watermarking security: theory and practice
F Cayre, C Fontaine, T Furon
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 53 (10), 3976-3987, 2005
Data hiding on 3-D triangle meshes
F Cayre, B Macq
IEEE Transactions on signal Processing 51 (4), 939-949, 2003
Application of spectral decomposition to compression and watermarking of 3D triangle mesh geometry
F Cayre, P Rondao-Alface, F Schmitt, B Macq, H Maıtre
Signal Processing: Image Communication 18 (4), 309-319, 2003
Kerckhoffs-based embedding security classes for woa data hiding
F Cayre, P Bas
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 3 (1), 1-15, 2008
Median filtered image quality enhancement and anti-forensics via variational deconvolution
W Fan, K Wang, F Cayre, Z Xiong
IEEE transactions on information forensics and security 10 (5), 1076-1091, 2015
General-purpose image forensics using patch likelihood under image statistical models
W Fan, K Wang, F Cayre
2015 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS …, 2015
JPEG anti-forensics with improved tradeoff between forensic undetectability and image quality
W Fan, K Wang, F Cayre, Z Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 9 (8), 1211-1226, 2014
3D lighting-based image forgery detection using shape-from-shading
W Fan, K Wang, F Cayre, Z Xiong
2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO …, 2012
A variational approach to JPEG anti-forensics
W Fan, K Wang, F Cayre, Z Xiong
2013 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2013
Optimal transport for secure spread-spectrum watermarking of still images
B Mathon, F Cayre, P Bas, B Macq
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (4), 1694-1705, 2014
Blind and robust watermarking of 3D models: How to withstand the cropping attack?
PR Alface, B Macq, F Cayre
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 5, V-465-V-468, 2007
Watermarking security part one: Theory
F Cayre, C Fontaine, T Furon
Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII 5681 …, 2005
Watermarking 3D triangle meshes for authentication and integrity
F Cayre, O Devillers, F Schmitt, H Maître
INRIA, 2004
2D bar-codes for authentication: A security approach
C Baras, F Cayre
2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO …, 2012
Achieving subspace or key security for WOA using natural or circular watermarking
P Bas, F Cayre
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Multimedia and Security, 80-88, 2006
JPEG anti-forensics using non-parametric DCT quantization noise estimation and natural image statistics
W Fan, K Wang, F Cayre, Z Xiong
Proceedings of the first ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia …, 2013
Watermarking security part two: Practice
F Cayre, C Fontaine, T Furon
Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents VII 5681 …, 2005
Watermarking attack: Security of wss techniques
F Cayre, C Fontaine, T Furon
International Workshop on Digital Watermarking, 171-183, 2004
Natural watermarking: a secure spread spectrum technique for woa
P Bas, F Cayre
International Workshop on Information Hiding, 1-14, 2006
Towards a realistic channel model for security analysis of authentication using graphical codes
C Baras, F Cayre
2013 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS …, 2013
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Articles 1–20