David Laborde
David Laborde
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COVID-19 risks to global food security
D Laborde, W Martin, J Swinnen, R Vos
Science 369 (6503), 500-502, 2020
Assessing applied protection across the world
A Bouët, Y Decreux, L Fontagné, S Jean, D Laborde
Review of International Economics 16 (5), 850-863, 2008
Assessing the land use change consequences of European biofuel policies
D Laborde
ATLASS Consortium, 2011
Impacts of COVID‐19 on global poverty, food security, and diets: Insights from global model scenario analysis
D Laborde, W Martin, R Vos
Agricultural Economics 52 (3), 375-390, 2021
Poverty and food insecurity could grow dramatically as COVID-19 spreads
D Laborde Debucquet, W Martin, R Vos
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2020
Global trade and environmental impact study of the EU biofuels mandate
P Al-Riffai, B Dimaranan, D Laborde
IFPRI, 2010
The COVID-19 crisis will exacerbate maternal and child undernutrition and child mortality in low-and middle-income countries
S Osendarp, JK Akuoku, RE Black, D Headey, M Ruel, N Scott, M Shekar, ...
Nature food 2 (7), 476-484, 2021
Agricultural subsidies and global greenhouse gas emissions
D Laborde, A Mamun, W Martin, V Piñeiro, R Vos
Nature communications 12 (1), 2601, 2021
Assessing the potential cost of a failed Doha Round
A Bouët, D Laborde
World Trade Review 9 (2), 319-351, 2010
Consequences of alternative formulas for agricultural tariff cuts
S Jean, D Laborde, W Martin
Agricultural trade reform and the Doha development agenda, 81-116, 2006
Food crisis and export taxation: the cost of non-cooperative trade policies
A Bouët, D Laborde Debucquet
Review of World Economics 148, 209-233, 2012
The Russia-Ukraine war: Implications for global and regional food security and potential policy responses
KA Abay, C Breisinger, J Glauber, S Kurdi, D Laborde, K Siddig
Global Food Security 36, 100675, 2023
COVID-19: Trade restrictions are worst possible response to safeguard food security
JW Glauber, D Laborde Debucquet, W Martin, R Vos
International Food Policy Research Institute, 2020
A picture of tariff protection across the world in 2004: MAcMap-HS6, version 2
H Boumellassa, D Laborde, C Mitaritonna
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2009
Modeling land-use changes in a global CGE: assessing the EU biofuel mandates with the MIRAGE-BioF model
D Laborde, H Valin
Climate Change Economics 3 (03), 1250017, 2012
How much will global poverty increase because of COVID-19
R Vos, W Martin, D Laborde
International Food Policy Research Institute, 1-28, 2020
Act now before Ukraine war plunges millions into malnutrition
S Osendarp, G Verburg, Z Bhutta, RE Black, S de Pee, C Fabrizio, ...
Nature 604 (7907), 620-624, 2022
US trade wars in the twenty‐first century with emerging countries: Make America and its partners lose again
A Bouët, D Laborde
The World Economy 41 (9), 2276-2319, 2018
Formulas and flexibility in trade negotiations: Sensitive agricultural products in the World Trade Organization's Doha agenda
S Jean, D Laborde, W Martin
the world bank economic review 24 (3), 500-519, 2010
COVID-19 pandemic leads to greater depth of unaffordability of healthy and nutrient-adequate diets in low-and middle-income countries
D Laborde, A Herforth, D Headey, S de Pee
Nature Food 2 (7), 473-475, 2021
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