Bruce D. Meyer
Bruce D. Meyer
Professor, Harris School, University of Chicago
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Natural and quasi-experiments in economics
BD Meyer
Journal of business & economic statistics 13 (2), 151-161, 1995
Unemployment insurance and unemployment spells
BD Meyer
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1988
Welfare, the earned income tax credit, and the labor supply of single mothers
BD Meyer, DT Rosenbaum
The quarterly journal of economics 116 (3), 1063-1114, 2001
The impact of the potential duration of unemployment benefits on the duration of unemployment
LF Katz, BD Meyer
Journal of public economics 41 (1), 45-72, 1990
Ethnic and racial self-employment differences and possible explanations
RW Fairlie, BD Meyer
Journal of human resources, 757-793, 1996
Household surveys in crisis
BD Meyer, WKC Mok, JX Sullivan
Journal of Economic Perspectives 29 (4), 199-226, 2015
Measuring the well-being of the poor using income and consumption
BD Meyer, JX Sullivan
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003
Labor supply effects of social insurance
AB Krueger, BD Meyer
Handbook of public economics 4, 2327-2392, 2002
Lessons from the US unemployment insurance experiments
BD Meyer
Journal of economic literature 33 (1), 91-131, 1995
A longitudinal analysis of the young self-employed in Australia and the United States
DG Blanchflower, BD Meyer
Small Business Economics 6, 1-19, 1994
Workers' compensation and injury duration: evidence from a natural experiment
BD Meyer, WK Viscusi, D Durbin
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1990
The under-reporting of transfers in household surveys: Its nature and consequences
BD Meyer, WKC Mok, JX Sullivan
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009
Unemployment insurance, recall expectations, and unemployment outcomes
LF Katz, BD Meyer
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 105 (4), 973-1002, 1990
Making single mothers work: Recent tax and welfare policy and its effects
BD Meyer, DT Rosenbaum
National Tax Journal 53 (4), 1027-1061, 2000
The extent and consequences of job turnover
PM Anderson, BD Meyer, J Pencavel, MJ Roberts
Brookings papers on economic activity. Microeconomics 1994, 177-248, 1994
Disability, earnings, income and consumption
BD Meyer, WKC Mok
Journal of Public Economics 171, 51-69, 2019
Unemployment insurance takeup rates and the after-tax value of benefits
PM Anderson, BD Meyer
The quarterly journal of economics 112 (3), 913-937, 1997
The effects of the unemployment insurance payroll tax on wages, employment, claims and denials
PM Anderson, BD Meyer
Journal of public Economics 78 (1-2), 81-106, 2000
Identifying the disadvantaged: Official poverty, consumption poverty, and the new supplemental poverty measure
BD Meyer, JX Sullivan
Journal of Economic Perspectives 26 (3), 111-136, 2012
Using linked survey and administrative data to better measure income: Implications for poverty, program effectiveness, and holes in the safety net
BD Meyer, N Mittag
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11 (2), 176-204, 2019
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