Cecilia Josefsson
Cecilia Josefsson
Associate Professor, Uppsala University
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Quotas and women's substantive representation: Evidence from a content analysis of Ugandan plenary debates
A Clayton, C Josefsson, V Wang
Politics & Gender 13 (2), 276-304, 2017
The legislature as a gendered workplace: Exploring members of parliament’s experiences of working in the Swedish parliament
J Erikson, C Josefsson
International Political Science Review 40 (2), 197-214, 2019
In whose interest? Gender and mass–elite priority congruence in Sub-Saharan Africa
A Clayton, C Josefsson, R Mattes, S Mozaffar
Comparative Political Studies 52 (1), 69-101, 2019
Present without presence? Gender, quotas and debate recognition in the Ugandan parliament
A Clayton, C Josefsson, V Wang
Representation 50 (3), 379-392, 2014
The Parliament as a gendered workplace: How to research legislators’(UN) equal opportunities to represent
J Erikson, C Josefsson
Parliamentary Affairs 75 (1), 20-38, 2022
Who benefits from gender quotas? Assessing the impact of election procedure reform on Members of Parliament’s attributes in Uganda
C Josefsson
International Political Science Review 35 (1), 93-105, 2014
A new way of doing politics? Cross-party women's caucuses as critical actors in Uganda and Uruguay
N Johnson, C Josefsson
Parliamentary Affairs 69 (4), 845-859, 2016
Equal playing field? On the intersection between gender and being young in the Swedish Parliament
J Erikson, C Josefsson
Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2021
Learning from success: Are successful governments role models?
M Lundin, PO Öberg, C Josefsson
Public Administration 93 (3), 733-752, 2015
Three dimensions of gendered online abuse: Analyzing Swedish MPs’ experiences of social media
J Erikson, S Håkansson, C Josefsson
Perspectives on Politics 21 (3), 896-912, 2023
How candidate selection structures and genders political ambition: illustrations from Uruguay
C Josefsson
European Journal of Politics and Gender 3 (1), 61-78, 2020
Does higher education matter for MPs in their parliamentary work? Evidence from the Swedish Parliament
J Erikson, C Josefsson
Representation 55 (1), 65-80, 2019
Adaptive Resistance: Power Struggles over Gender Quotas in Uruguay
C Josefsson
Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Uppsala universitet, 2020
Feminine leadership ideals and masculine practices: Exploring gendered leadership conditions in the Swedish Parliament
J Erikson, C Josefsson
Politics & Gender 19 (4), 1061-1086, 2023
Adverse Contagion? Populist Radical Right Parties and Norms on Gender Balance in Political Institutions
J Erikson, C Josefsson
Politics and Governance 12, 2024
Leaders’ desires to lead: progressive ambition and norms around gender balance in the Swedish parliament
J Erikson, C Josefsson
Politics, Groups, and Identities, 1-21, 2024
Election Violence and Gendered Political Ambitions in Uganda
P Zetterberg, A Clayton, C Josefsson
OSF, 2024
A New “Gender Equal” Leadership Ideal? Exploring Leadership Ideals and Practices in the Swedish Parliament
J Erikson, C Josefsson
Democracy, 2021
olume 13, N
KD Funk, L Morales, MM Taylor-Robinson, A Clayton, C Josefsson, ...
Politics & Gender 13 (2), 2017
Where Women Are No Longer on the Sidelines: Exploring the Inner Life of the Swedish Parliament
J Erikson, C Josefsson
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