Guilherme Succi
Guilherme Succi
São Leopoldo Mandic
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Percepções acerca da importância das vacinas e da recusa vacinal numa escola de medicina
AH Mizuta, GM Succi, VAM Montalli, RCM Succi
Revista Paulista de Pediatria 37 (1), 34-40, 2018
Perceptions on the importance of vaccination and vaccine refusal in a medical school
AH Mizuta, GM Succi, VAM Montalli, RCM Succi
Revista Paulista de Pediatria 37, 34-40, 2018
Relation between glycemic levels and low tract urinary symptoms in elderly
FT Ferreira, L Daltoé, G Succi, F Cunha, JM Ferreira, F Lorenzetti, ...
The Aging Male 18 (1), 34-37, 2015
HLA-typing analysis following allogeneic bone grafting for sinus lifting
M Piaia, CB Bub, GM Succi, M Torres, TH Costa, FC Pinheiro, ...
Cell and tissue banking 18, 75-81, 2017
Clinical evaluation of different epinephrine concentrations for local dental anesthesia
CS Caldas, CC Bergamaschi, GM Succi, RHL Motta, JC Ramacciato
Revista Dor 16 (1), 1-5, 2015
Ischemic preconditioning influence ventricular function in off-pump revascularization surgery
JE Succi, LR Gerola, GM Succi, RACF de Almeida, LSR Novais, B Rocha
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 94, 339-344, 2010
Use of centrifugal pump and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as cardiopulmonary support in pediatric cardiovascular surgery
FA Atik, RS Castro, FMP Succi, MR Barros, C Afiune, GM Succi, RB Corso, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 90, 237-242, 2008
Resultados negativos na pesquisa científica: aspectos éticos
RAB Guimarães, GM Succi, VAM Montalli, AJS Niederauer, RCM Succi
Revista Bioética 26 (2), 245-250, 2018
Association between Periodontitis, Genetic Polymorphisms and Presence of Coronary Artery Disease in Southern Brazil
LO Rocha, E Rocha, GM Succi, RB Brito Junior
Arquivos brasileiros de cardiologia 114, 268-272, 2020
Estudantes e Professores da Área da Saúde Conhecem o Programa Mais Médicos?
GGO Villa Real, GM Succi, VAM Montalli, RCM Succi
Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica 41 (1), 110-116, 2017
Cavopulmonary anastomosis improves left ventricular assist device support in acute biventricular failure
GM Succi, LFP Moreira, AA Leirner, RS Silva, NAG Stolf
European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery 35 (3), 528-533, 2009
Intraoperative coronary grafts flow measurement using the TTFM flowmeter: results from a domestic sample
JE Succi, LR Gerola, GM Succi, HC Kim, JEM Paredes, E Bufollo
Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 27, 401-404, 2012
Emprego do suporte cardiopulmonar com bomba centrífuga e oxigenador de membrana em cirurgia cardiovascular pediátrica
FA Atik, RS Castro, FMP Succi, MR Barros, C Afiune, GM Succi, RB Corso, ...
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 90, 237-242, 2008
Limited left thoracotomy for reoperative coronary artery bypass grafting without cardiopulmonary bypass for circumflex grafting in patients with patent internal thoracic artery …
SA De Oliveira, LAF Lisboa, LAO Dallan, LB Puig, GM Succi, ...
The Heart Surgery Forum 7 (1), E22-E26, 2004
Assessment of professional identity formation: a transcultural validation of the professional identity essay for brazilian portuguese
GL Silveira, V Monson, PCE Poço, A Haydar, SL Brenelli, FMP Succi, ...
BMC Medical Education 23 (1), 738, 2023
Combined complex open heart surgery and infra-renal aortic aneurysm repair
RB Corso, FA Atik, CN Faber, GM Succi, LMC Santos, FMP Succi, ...
International Journal of Cardiology 126 (3), e53-e54, 2008
Substituição da valva mitral nas cardiomiopatias dilatadas com insuficiência mitral secundária
LB Puig, RR Dias, FA Gaiotto, GM Succi, SA Oliveira
Rev. Soc. Cardiol. Estado de Säo Paulo, 452-463, 2003
Importance of health education actions to improve quality of life of vulnerable populations
A Jara Baraybar Alvarenga De Oliveira, B Albertini Reis, B Fedrigo, ...
European Journal Of Public Health 30 (Supplement_5), ckaa166. 468, 2020
Negative results in scientific research: ethical aspects
RAB Guimarães, GM Succi, VAM Montalli, AJS Niederauer, RCM Succi
Revista Bioética 26, 245-250, 2018
Avaliação clínica da epinefrina em diferentes concentrações para anestesia local odontológica
CS Caldas, CC Bergamaschi, GM Succi, RHL Motta, JC Ramacciato
Revista Dor 16, 1-5, 2015
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Articles 1–20