Yan Grunenberger
Yan Grunenberger
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Cited by
The Cost of the S in HTTPS
D Naylor, A Finamore, I Leontiadis, Y Grunenberger, M Mellia, M Munafò, ...
Proceedings of the 10th ACM International on Conference on emerging …, 2014
Breaking for commercials: characterizing mobile advertising
N Vallina-Rodriguez, J Shah, A Finamore, Y Grunenberger, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 Internet Measurement Conference, 343-356, 2012
Is there a case for mobile phone content pre-staging?
A Finamore, M Mellia, Z Gilani, K Papagiannaki, V Erramilli, ...
Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Emerging networking experiments …, 2013
Experience with an implementation of the Idle Sense wireless access method
Y Grunenberger, M Heusse, F Rousseau, A Duda
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM CoNEXT conference, 24, 2007
RILAnalyzer: a comprehensive 3G monitor on your phone
N Vallina-Rodriguez, A Auçinas, M Almeida, Y Grunenberger, ...
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement conference, 257-264, 2013
RILAnalyzer: a comprehensive 3G monitor on your phone
N Vallina-Rodriguez, A Auçinas, M Almeida, Y Grunenberger, ...
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement conference, 257-264, 2013
Staying online while mobile: The hidden costs
A Aucinas, N Vallina-Rodriguez, Y Grunenberger, V Erramilli, ...
Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Emerging networking experiments …, 2013
An asymmetric access point for solving the unfairness problem in WLANs
E Lopez-Aguilera, M Heusse, Y Grunenberger, F Rousseau, A Duda, ...
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 7 (10), 1213, 2008
Performance Assessment of Open Software Platforms for 5G Prototyping
F Gringoli, P Patras, C Donato, P Serrano, Y Grunenberger
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 2018
Virtual access points for transparent mobility in wireless LANs
Y Grunenberger, F Rousseau
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2010 IEEE, 1-6, 2010
When assistance becomes dependence: characterizing the costs and inefficiencies of A-GPS
N Vallina-Rodriguez, J Crowcroft, A Finamore, Y Grunenberger, ...
ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review 17 (4), 3-14, 2013
CHIMP: Crowdsourcing Human Inputs for Mobile Phones
M Almeida, M Bilal, A Finamore, I Leontiadis, Y Grunenberger, M Varvello, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web, 45-54, 2018
Experimenting with Commodity 802.11 Hardware: Overview and Future Directions
P Serrano, P Salvador, V Mancuso, Y Grunenberger
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (2), 671-699, 2015
3GOL: Power-boosting ADSL using 3G OnLoading
C Rossi, N Vallina-Rodriguez, V Erramilli, Y Grunenberger, L Gyarmati, ...
Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on Emerging networking experiments …, 2013
When David helps Goliath: the case for 3G onloading
N Vallina-Rodriguez, V Erramilli, Y Grunenberger, L Gyarmati, ...
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks, 85-90, 2012
An architecture for seamless mobility in spontaneous wireless mesh networks
F Rousseau, Y Grunenberger, V Untz, E Schiller, P Starzetz, F Theoleyre, ...
Proceedings of 2nd ACM/IEEE international workshop on Mobility in the …, 2007
WTF? Locating Performance Problems in Home Networks
S Sundaresan, Y Grunenberger, N Feamster, D Papagiannaki, D Levin, ...
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
Method and a system for bandwidth aggregation in an access point
EG Llairo, K Papagiannaki, Y Grunenberger
US Patent 9,276,718, 2016
Method for coordinating access points for backhaul aggregation in a telecommunications network and device
X Yang, DL RECAS, F Navarro, Y Grunenberger
US Patent 9,503,933, 2016
Method and system for identifying the cause of network problems in mobile networks and computer program thereof
I Leontiadis, Y Grunenberger
US Patent App. 15/025,421, 2016
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20