Jesús Rodríguez-López
Jesús Rodríguez-López
Andre navnJesús Rodríguez
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Analyzing CO2 emissions from passenger cars in Europe: A dynamic panel data approach
RM González, GA Marrero, J Rodríguez-López, ÁS Marrero
Energy policy 129, 1271-1281, 2019
Economic growth, energy intensity and the energy mix
A Díaz, GA Marrero, LA Puch, J Rodríguez
Energy Economics 81, 1056-1077, 2019
Convergence in road transport CO2 emissions in Europe
ÁS Marrero, GA Marrero, RM González, J Rodríguez-López
Energy Economics 99, 105322, 2021
Accounting for Spanish business cycles
JR López, MS García
Macroeconomic Dynamics 20 (3), 685-714, 2016
Demand shocks and trade balance dynamics
J García-Solanes, J Rodríguez-López, JL Torres
Open Economies Review 22, 739-766, 2011
Road accidents and business cycles in Spain
J Rodríguez-López, GA Marrero, RM González, T Leal-Linares
Accident Analysis & Prevention 96, 46-55, 2016
Pautas cíclicas de la economía andaluza en el período 1984-2001: un análisis comparado
T Leal, JR López, JJ Pérez
Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2002
Car usage, emissions and fuel taxes in Europe
GA Marrero, J Rodríguez-López, RM González
SERIEs 11 (2), 203-241, 2020
Technological sources of productivity growth In Germany, Japan, and the United States
J Rodriguez-Lopez, JL Torres
Macroeconomic Dynamics 16 (1), 133-150, 2012
Persistence of inequalities across the Spanish regions
J Rodríguez‐López, D Martínez‐López, D Romero‐Ávila
Papers in Regional Science 88 (4), 841-863, 2009
Análisis dinámico de la relación entre ciclo económico y ciclo del desempleo en Andalucía en comparación con el resto de Espańa
JJ Pérez, JR López, C Usabiaga
Economic Working Papers at Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2002
Following the Yellow Brick Road to the Euro?: Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland
JR López, JLT Chacón
Eastern European Economics 45 (6), 46-79, 2007
Labor Demand and ICT Adoption in Spain
MA Hidalgo Pérez, JM O׳Kean Alonso, J Rodríguez-López
Telecommunications Policy 40, 450–470, 2016
On the choice of an exchange regime: target zones revisited
J Rodríguez-López, H Rodríguez Mendizábal
Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2002
Hidden figures behind two-vehicle crashes: An assessment of the risk and external costs of drunk driving in Spain
J Rodríguez-López, Y Rebollo-Sanz, D Mesa-Ruiz
Accident Analysis & Prevention 127, 42-51, 2019
How tight should one's hands be tied? Fear of floating and the credibility of exchange rate regimes
J Rodríguez-López, H Rodriguez Mendizabal
Contributions in Macroeconomics 6 (1), 1-25, 2006
On the choice of an exchange regime: Target zones revisited
JR López, HR Mendizábal
Fundación Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2002
Penalty-Point System, Deterrence and Road Safety: An Empirical Approach
Y Rebollo-Sanz, N Rodríguez-Planas, J Rodríguez-López
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 190, 408-433, 2021
Dieselization, CO2 emissions and fuel taxes in Europe
J Rodríguez-López, GA Marrero, RM González-Marrero
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Department of Economics Working Papers, 2015
The optimal degree of exchange rate flexibility: A target zone approach
JR López, HR Mendizábal
Review of International Economics 15 (4), 803-822, 2007
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