Thomas Tybell
Thomas Tybell
Dept. of Electronic Systems, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
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Domain Wall Creep in Epitaxial Ferroelectric Thin Films
T Tybell, P Paruch, T Giamarchi, JM Triscone
Physical review letters 89 (9), 097601, 2002
Ferroelectricity in thin perovskite films
T Tybell, CH Ahn, JM Triscone
Applied physics letters 75 (6), 856-858, 1999
Size-Dependent Properties of Multiferroic BiFeO3 Nanoparticles
SM Selbach, T Tybell, MA Einarsrud, T Grande
Chemistry of materials 19 (26), 6478-6484, 2007
Local, Nonvolatile Electronic Writing of Epitaxial Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/SrRuO3 Heterostructures
CH Ahn, T Tybell, L Antognazza, K Char, RH Hammond, MR Beasley, ...
Science 276 (5315), 1100-1103, 1997
Electrostatic modulation of superconductivity in ultrathin GdBa2Cu3O7-x films
CH Ahn, S Gariglio, P Paruch, T Tybell, L Antognazza, JM Triscone
Science 284 (5417), 1152-1155, 1999
The Ferroic Phase Transitions of BiFeO3
SM Selbach, T Tybell, MA Einarsrud, T Grande
Advanced materials 20 (19), 3692-3696, 2008
Atomap: a new software tool for the automated analysis of atomic resolution images using two-dimensional Gaussian fitting
M Nord, PE Vullum, I MacLaren, T Tybell, R Holmestad
Advanced structural and chemical imaging 3, 1-12, 2017
Nanoscale control of ferroelectric polarization and domain size in epitaxial Pb (Zr0. 2Ti0. 8) O3 thin films
P Paruch, T Tybell, JM Triscone
Applied Physics Letters 79 (4), 530-532, 2001
Synthesis of BiFeO3 by Wet Chemical Methods
SM Selbach, MA Einarsrud, T Tybell, T Grande
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (11), 3430-3434, 2007
Controlling spin current polarization through non-collinear antiferromagnetism
T Nan, CX Quintela, J Irwin, G Gurung, DF Shao, J Gibbons, N Campbell, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 4671, 2020
Control and imaging of ferroelectric domains over large areas with nanometer resolution in atomically smooth epitaxial thin films
T Tybell, CH Ahn, JM Triscone
Applied Physics Letters 72 (12), 1454-1456, 1998
Nanoscale studies of domain wall motion in epitaxial ferroelectric thin films
P Paruch, T Giamarchi, T Tybell, JM Triscone
Journal of applied physics 100 (5), 2006
The nature of polarization fatigue in BiFeO3
SH Baek, CM Folkman, JW Park, S Lee, CW Bark, T Tybell, CB Eom
Advanced Materials 23 (14), 1621-1625, 2011
Structure and Properties of Multiferroic Oxygen Hyperstoichiometric BiFe1−xMnxO3+δ
SM Selbach, T Tybell, MA Einarsrud, T Grande
Chemistry of Materials 21 (21), 5176-5186, 2009
High-frequency surface acoustic wave device based on thin-film piezoelectric interdigital transducers
AK Sarin Kumar, P Paruch, JM Triscone, W Daniau, S Ballandras, ...
Applied Physics Letters 85 (10), 1757-1759, 2004
Interstitial oxygen as a source of p-type conductivity in hexagonal manganites
SH Skjærvø, ET Wefring, SK Nesdal, NH Gaukås, GH Olsen, J Glaum, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13745, 2016
Study of defect-dipoles in an epitaxial ferroelectric thin film
CM Folkman, SH Baek, CT Nelson, HW Jang, T Tybell, XQ Pan, CB Eom
Applied Physics Letters 96 (5), 2010
Phase transitions, electrical conductivity and chemical stability of BiFeO3 at high temperatures
SM Selbach, T Tybell, MA Einarsrud, T Grande
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 183 (5), 1205-1208, 2010
Antiferromagnetic Domain Reconfiguration in Embedded LaFeO3 Thin Film Nanostructures
E Folven, T Tybell, A Scholl, A Young, ST Retterer, Y Takamura, ...
Nano letters 10 (11), 4578-4583, 2010
Structural phases driven by oxygen vacancies at the La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3/SrTiO3 hetero-interface
M Nord, PE Vullum, M Moreau, JE Boschker, SM Selbach, R Holmestad, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (4), 2015
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Articles 1–20