Edwin Carlinet
Edwin Carlinet
Laboratoire de Recherche de l'EPITA (LRE)
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A comparative review of component tree computation algorithms
E Carlinet, T Géraud
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (9), 3885-3895, 2014
A Quasi-linear Algorithm to Compute the Tree of Shapes of nD Images
T Géraud, E Carlinet, S Crozet, L Najman
International symposium on mathematical morphology and its applications to …, 2013
MToS: A tree of shapes for multivariate images
E Carlinet, T Géraud
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 24 (12), 5330-5342, 2015
Hierarchical segmentation using tree-based shape spaces
Y Xu, E Carlinet, T Géraud, L Najman
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 39 (3), 457-469, 2016
A comparison of many max-tree computation algorithms
E Carlinet, T Géraud
International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to …, 2013
Vectorization of historical maps using deep edge filtering and closed shape extraction
Y Chen, E Carlinet, J Chazalon, C Mallet, B Duménieu, J Perret
International conference on document analysis and recognition, 510-525, 2021
Left atrial segmentation in a few seconds using fully convolutional network and transfer learning
É Puybareau, Z Zhao, Y Khoudli, E Carlinet, Y Xu, J Lacotte, T Géraud
International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of …, 2018
ICDAR 2021 competition on historical map segmentation
J Chazalon, E Carlinet, Y Chen, J Perret, B Duménieu, C Mallet, T Géraud, ...
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 693-707, 2021
Combining deep learning and mathematical morphology for historical map segmentation
Y Chen, E Carlinet, J Chazalon, C Mallet, B Duménieu, J Perret
International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology, 79-92, 2021
Efficient computation of attributes and saliency maps on tree-based image representations
Y Xu, E Carlinet, T Géraud, L Najman
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing …, 2015
The tree of shapes turned into a max-tree: a simple and efficient linear algorithm
E Carlinet, S Crozet, T Géraud
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1488-1492, 2018
Self-duality and digital topology: links between the morphological tree of shapes and well-composed gray-level images
T Géraud, E Carlinet, S Crozet
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing …, 2015
A Benchmark of Named Entity Recognition Approaches in Historical Documents Application to 19 Century French Directories
N Abadie, E Carlinet, J Chazalon, B Duménieu
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 445-460, 2022
A color tree of shapes with illustrations on filtering, simplification, and segmentation
E Carlinet, T Géraud
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing …, 2015
A morphological tree of shapes for color images
E Carlinet, T Géraud
2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1132-1137, 2014
Introducing the Dahu pseudo-distance
T Géraud, Y Xu, E Carlinet, N Boutry
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing …, 2017
Morphological object picking based on the color tree of shapes
E Carlinet, T Géraud
2015 International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and …, 2015
Getting a morphological tree of shapes for multivariate images: Paths, traps, and pitfalls
E Carlinet, T Géraud
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 615-619, 2014
Introducing the Boundary-Aware loss for deep image segmentation
MÔV Ngoc, Y Chen, N Boutry, J Chazalon, E Carlinet, J Fabrizio, C Mallet, ...
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2021, 2021
Max-tree computation on GPUs
N Blin, E Carlinet, F Lemaitre, L Lacassagne, T Géraud
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33 (12), 3520-3531, 2022
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Articles 1–20