Axel Spickenheuer
Axel Spickenheuer
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V.
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Uncertain natural frequency analysis of composite plates including effect of noise–A polynomial neural network approach
S Dey, S Naskar, T Mukhopadhyay, U Gohs, A Spickenheuer, L Bittrich, ...
Composite Structures 143, 130-142, 2016
Improving the open-hole tension characteristics with variable-axial composite laminates: Optimization, progressive damage modeling and experimental observations
JHS Almeida Jr, L Bittrich, A Spickenheuer
Composites Science and Technology 185, 107889, 2020
Uncertainty quantification in natural frequency of composite plates-An Artificial neural network based approach
S Dey, T Mukhopadhyay, A Spickenheuer, U Gohs, S Adhikari
Advanced Composites Letters 25 (2), 096369351602500203, 2016
Buckling optimization of composite cylinders for axial compression: A design methodology considering a variable-axial fiber layout
JHS Almeida Jr, L Bittrich, E Jansen, V Tita, A Spickenheuer
Composite Structures 222, 110928, 2019
Bottom up surrogate based approach for stochastic frequency response analysis of laminated composite plates
S Dey, T Mukhopadhyay, A Spickenheuer, S Adhikari, G Heinrich
Composite Structures 140, 712-727, 2016
Using tailored fibre placement technology for stress adapted design of composite structures
A Spickenheuer, M Schulz, K Gliesche, G Heinrich
Plastics, rubber and composites 37 (5), 227-232, 2008
Cross-section optimization of topologically-optimized variable-axial anisotropic composite structures
JHS Almeida Jr, L Bittrich, T Nomura, A Spickenheuer
Composite Structures 225, 111150, 2019
Optimizing Variable‐Axial Fiber‐Reinforced Composite Laminates: The Direct Fiber Path Optimization Concept
L Bittrich, A Spickenheuer, JHS Almeida Jr, S Müller, L Kroll, G Heinrich
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019 (1), 8260563, 2019
Meso-scaled finite element analysis of fiber reinforced plastics made by Tailored Fiber Placement
K Uhlig, M Tosch, L Bittrich, A Leipprand, S Dey, A Spickenheuer, ...
Composite Structures 143, 53-62, 2016
The role of winding pattern on filament wound composite cylinders under radial compression
TV Lisbôa, JHS Almeida Jr, IH Dalibor, A Spickenheuer, RJ Marczak, ...
Polymer composites 41 (6), 2446-2454, 2020
Waviness and fiber volume content analysis in continuous carbon fiber reinforced plastics made by tailored fiber placement
K Uhlig, L Bittrich, A Spickenheuer, JHS Almeida Jr
Composite Structures 222, 110910, 2019
Zur fertigungsgerechten Auslegung von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbundbauteilen für den extremen Leichtbau auf Basis des variabelaxialen Fadenablageverfahrens Tailored Fiber Placement
A Spickenheuer
FEM updating for damage modeling of composite cylinders under radial compression considering the winding pattern
TV Lisbôa, JHS Almeida Jr, A Spickenheuer, M Stommel, SC Amico, ...
Thin-Walled Structures 173, 108954, 2022
Development of a highly stressed bladed rotor made of a cfrp using the tailored fiber placement technology
K Uhlig, A Spickenheuer, L Bittrich, G Heinrich
Mechanics of Composite Materials 49, 201-210, 2013
Viscoelastic behavior of embroidered scaffolds for ACL tissue engineering made of PLA and P (LA-CL) after in vitro degradation
J Hahn, G Schulze-Tanzil, M Schröpfer, M Meyer, C Gögele, M Hoyer, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (18), 4655, 2019
Pressure based lift estimation and its application to feedforward load control employing trailing edge flaps
S Bartholomay, TTB Wester, S Perez-Becker, S Konze, C Menzel, ...
Wind Energy Science Discussions 2020, 1-39, 2020
Tailored fiber placement in thermoplastic composites
A Spickenheuer, C Scheffler, L Bittrich, R Haase, D Weise, D Garray, ...
Technologies for Lightweight Structures (TLS) 1 (2), 2017
Strength of CFRP open hole laminates made from NCF, TFP and braided preforms under cyclic tensile loading
K Uhlig, A Spickenheuer, K Gliesche, I Karb
Plastics, rubber and composites 39 (6), 247-255, 2010
A sequential finite element model updating routine to identify creep parameters for filament wound composite cylinders in aggressive environments
JHS Almeida Jr, TV Lisbôa, A Spickenheuer, L St-Pierre
Computers & Structures 276, 106939, 2023
Statistical analysis of mechanical stressing in short fiber reinforced composites by means of statistical and representative volume elements
K Breuer, A Spickenheuer, M Stommel
Fibers 9 (5), 32, 2021
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Articles 1–20