Bernardetta Addis
Bernardetta Addis
LORIA (CNRS UMR 7503) - Université de Lorraine
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Virtual network functions placement and routing optimization
B Addis, D Belabed, M Bouet, S Secci
2015 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), 171-177, 2015
Operating room scheduling and rescheduling: a rolling horizon approach
B Addis, G Carello, A Grosso, E Tànfani
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 28 (1), 206-232, 2016
A global optimization method for the design of space trajectories
B Addis, A Cassioli, M Locatelli, F Schoen
Computational Optimization and Applications 48, 635-652, 2011
A hierarchical approach for the resource management of very large cloud platforms
B Addis, D Ardagna, B Panicucci, MS Squillante, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 10 (5), 253-272, 2013
Energy management through optimized routing and device powering for greener communication networks
B Addis, A Capone, G Carello, LG Gianoli, B Sansò
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 22 (1), 313-325, 2013
Autonomic management of cloud service centers with availability guarantees
B Addis, D Ardagna, B Panicucci, L Zhang
2010 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing, 220-227, 2010
Identifying critical nodes in undirected graphs: Complexity results and polynomial algorithms for the case of bounded treewidth
B Addis, M Di Summa, A Grosso
Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (16-17), 2349-2360, 2013
Optimization of multistage membrane gas separation processes. Example of application to CO2 capture from blast furnace gas
ÁA Ramírez-Santos, M Bozorg, B Addis, V Piccialli, C Castel, E Favre
Journal of Membrane Science 566, 346-366, 2018
Local optima smoothing for global optimization
B Addis, M Locatelli, F Schoen
Optimization Methods and Software 20 (4-5), 417-437, 2005
Disk packing in a square: a new global optimization approach
B Addis, M Locatelli, F Schoen
INFORMS Journal on Computing 20 (4), 516-524, 2008
Efficiently packing unequal disks in a circle
B Addis, M Locatelli, F Schoen
Operations Research Letters 36 (1), 37-42, 2008
Optimal orchestration of virtual network functions
M Gao, B Addis, M Bouet, S Secci
Computer Networks 142, 108-127, 2018
Polymeric membrane materials for nitrogen production from air: A process synthesis study
M Bozorg, B Addis, V Piccialli, ÁA Ramírez-Santos, C Castel, I Pinnau, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 207, 1196-1213, 2019
Hybrid constructive heuristics for the critical node problem
B Addis, R Aringhieri, A Grosso, P Hosteins
Annals of Operations Research 238, 637-649, 2016
Optimal process design of biogas upgrading membrane systems: Polymeric vs high performance inorganic membrane materials
M Bozorg, ÁA Ramírez-Santos, B Addis, V Piccialli, C Castel, E Favre
Chemical Engineering Science 225, 115769, 2020
Handling uncertainty in health care management using the cardinality-constrained approach: Advantages and remarks
B Addis, G Carello, A Grosso, E Lanzarone, S Mattia, E Tànfani
Operations Research for Health Care 4, 1-4, 2015
A robust optimization approach for the operating room planning problem with uncertain surgery duration
B Addis, G Carello, E Tànfani
Proceedings of the international conference on health care systems …, 2014
A new class of test functions for global optimization
B Addis, M Locatelli
Journal of Global Optimization 38, 479-501, 2007
A trust-region algorithm for global optimization
B Addis, S Leyffer
Computational Optimization and Applications 35, 287-304, 2006
Energy management in communication networks: a journey through modeling and optimization glasses
B Addis, A Capone, G Carello, LG Gianoli, B Sanso
Computer Communications 91, 76-94, 2016
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Articles 1–20