Vladimir Korobov
Vladimir Korobov
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
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Coulomb three-body bound-state problem: Variational calculations of nonrelativistic energies
VI Korobov
Physical Review A 61 (6), 064503, 2000
Tests of time independence of the electron and nuclear masses with ultracold molecules
S Schiller, V Korobov
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (3), 032505, 2005
Stability diagram of the phase-locked solitons in the parametrically driven, damped nonlinear Schrödinger equation
IV Barashenkov, MM Bogdan, VI Korobov
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 15 (2), 113, 1991
Leading-order relativistic and radiative corrections to the rovibrational spectrum of H2+ and HD+ molecular ions
VI Korobov
Physical Review A 74 (5), 052506, 2006
Simplest molecules as candidates for precise optical clocks
S Schiller, D Bakalov, VI Korobov
Physical Review Letters 113 (2), 023004, 2014
Nonrelativistic ionization energy for the helium ground state
VI Korobov
Physical Review A 66, 024501, 2002
Precise test of quantum electrodynamics and determination of fundamental constants with HD+ ions
S Alighanbari, GS Giri, FL Constantin, VI Korobov, S Schiller
Nature 581 (7807), 152-158, 2020
Variational calculation of energy levels in pbar He^+ molecular systems
VI Korobov
Physical Review A 54 (3), 1749-1752, 1996
Proton-electron mass ratio from laser spectroscopy of HD+ at the part-per-trillion level
S Patra, M Germann, JP Karr, M Haidar, L Hilico, VI Korobov, FMJ Cozijn, ...
Science 369 (6508), 1238-1241, 2020
Relativistic corrections of mα^6 order to the rovibrational spectrum of H2+ and HD+ molecular ions
VI Korobov
Physical Review A 77 (2), 022509, 2008
Fundamental transitions and ionization energies of the hydrogen molecular ions with few ppt uncertainty
VI Korobov, L Hilico, JP Karr
Physical Review Letters 118 (23), 233001, 2017
The Atlas of the Cross-sections of Mesic Atomic Processes. Part III
C Chiccoli, VI Korobov, VS Melezhik, P Pasini, LI Ponomarev, J Wosniak
Muon Cat. Fusion 7, 87, 1992
Hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium energy levels
D Bakalov, VI Korobov
Physical Review A 57 (3), 1662, 1998
Energies and relativistic corrections for the metastable states of antiprotonic helium atoms
VI Korobov, DD Bakalov
Physical review letters 79 (18), 3379, 1997
Theoretical transition frequencies beyond 0.1 ppb accuracy in , , and antiprotonic helium
VI Korobov, L Hilico, JP Karr
Physical Review A 89 (3), 032511, 2014
Rotational spectroscopy of cold and trapped molecular ions in the Lamb–Dicke regime
S Alighanbari, MG Hansen, VI Korobov, S Schiller
Nature Physics 14 (6), 555-559, 2018
Bounds on fifth forces at the sub-Å length scale
EJ Salumbides, W Ubachs, VI Korobov
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 300, 65-69, 2014
-Order Corrections in the Hydrogen Molecular Ions and Antiprotonic Helium
VI Korobov, L Hilico, JP Karr
Physical Review Letters 112 (10), 103003, 2014
High-Precision Calculation of the Hyperfine Structure of the HD+ Ion
D Bakalov, VI Korobov, S Schiller
Physical review letters 97 (24), 243001, 2006
Atlas of cross sections for scattering of muonic hydrogen atoms on hydrogen isotope molecules
JW A Adamczak, MP Faifman, LI Ponomarev, VI Korobov, VS Melezhik, RT Siegel
Atomic data and nuclear data tables 62 (2), 255-344, 1996
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