Giovanni Angelini
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Uncertainty across volatility regimes
G Angelini, E Bacchiocchi, G Caggiano, L Fanelli
Journal of Applied Econometrics 34 (3), 437-455, 2019
DEA-like model and common weights approach for the construction of a subjective community well-being indicator
C Bernini, A Guizzardi, G Angelini
Social indicators research 114, 405-424, 2013
Efficiency of online football betting markets
G Angelini, L De Angelis
International Journal of Forecasting 35 (2), 712-721, 2019
PARX model for football match predictions
G Angelini, L De Angelis
Journal of Forecasting 36 (7), 795-807, 2017
Big data from dynamic pricing: A smart approach to tourism demand forecasting
A Guizzardi, FME Pons, G Angelini, E Ranieri
International Journal of Forecasting 37 (3), 1049-1060, 2021
Exogenous uncertainty and the identification of structural vector autoregressions with external instruments
G Angelini, L Fanelli
Journal of Applied Econometrics 34 (6), 951-971, 2019
Weighted Elo rating for tennis match predictions
G Angelini, V Candila, L De Angelis
European Journal of Operational Research 297 (1), 120-132, 2022
Informational efficiency and behaviour within in-play prediction markets
G Angelini, L De Angelis, C Singleton
International Journal of Forecasting 38 (1), 282-299, 2022
Are fiscal multipliers estimated with proxy‐SVARs robust?
G Angelini, G Caggiano, E Castelnuovo, L Fanelli
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 85 (1), 95-122, 2023
Does advance booking matter in hedonic pricing? A new multivariate approach
A Guizzardi, G Angelini, FME Pons
International Journal of Tourism Research 22 (3), 277-288, 2020
DSGE models with observation-driven time-varying volatility
G Angelini, P Gorgi
Economics Letters 171, 169-171, 2018
Bootstrap inference and diagnostics in state space models: With applications to dynamic macro models
G Angelini, G Cavaliere, L Fanelli
Journal of Applied Econometrics 37 (1), 3-22, 2022
An identification and testing strategy for proxy-SVARs with weak proxies
G Angelini, G Cavaliere, L Fanelli
Journal of Econometrics 238 (2), 105604, 2024
Informational efficiency and price reaction within in-play prediction markets
G Angelini, L De Angelis, C Singleton
Economics & Management Discussion Papers, Henley Business School, Reading …, 2019
Uncertainty and spillover effects across the Euro area
G Angelini, M Costantini, JZ Easaw
Cardiff Economics Working Papers, 2018
Misspecification and Expectations Correction in New Keynesian DSGE Models
G Angelini, L Fanelli
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics 78 (5), 623-649, 2016
Under the same (Chole) sky: DNK models, timing restrictions and recursive identification of monetary policy shocks
G Angelini, MM Sorge
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 133, 104265, 2021
Forecasting Cryptocurrencies: A Comparison of GARCH Models
G Angelini, S Emili
Available at SSRN 3195704, 2018
Comparing weighting systems in the measurement of subjective well-being
G Angelini, C Bernini, A Guizzardi
Statistica 73 (2), 143-163, 2013
Invalid proxies and volatility changes
G Angelini, L Fanelli, L Neri
arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08753, 2024
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