Christian Webersik
Christian Webersik
Professor of Development Studies, Centre for Integrated Emergency Management, University of Agder
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Climate change and security: a gathering storm of global challenges
C Webersik
Abc-Clio, 2010
Does climate change influence people’s migration decisions in Maldives?
I Kelman, J Orlowska, H Upadhyay, R Stojanov, C Webersik, AC Simonelli, ...
Climatic change 153, 285-299, 2019
Mogadishu: An economy without a state
C Webersik
Third World Quarterly 27 (8), 1463-1480, 2006
Differences that matter: The struggle of the marginalised in Somalia
C Webersik
Africa 74 (4), 516-533, 2004
Achieving environmental sustainability and growth in Africa: the role of science, technology and innovation
C Webersik, C Wilson
Sustainable Development 17 (6), 400-413, 2009
Methodology for the estimation of the increase in time loss due to future increase in tropical cyclone intensity in Japan
M Esteban, C Webersik, T Shibayama
Climatic Change 102 (3), 555-578, 2010
Fighting for the plenty: The banana trade in southern Somalia
C Webersik
Oxford Development Studies 33 (1), 81-97, 2005
Here and now: Perceptions of Indian Ocean islanders on the climate change and migration nexus
I Kelman, H Upadhyay, AC Simonelli, A Arnall, D Mohan, GJ Lingaraj, ...
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 99 (3), 284-303, 2017
The economic impact of future increase in tropical cyclones in Japan
C Webersik, M Esteban, T Shibayama
Natural Hazards 55, 233-250, 2010
Wars Over Resources?: Evidence from Somalia
C Webersik
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 50 (3), 46-58, 2008
Somalia: A political economy analysis
C Webersik, SJ Hansen, A Egal
Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt, 2018
Vulnerability to climate change and adaptation strategies of local communities in Malawi: Experiences of women fish-processing groups in the Lake Chilwa Basin
H Jørstad, C Webersik
Earth System Dynamics 7 (4), 977-989, 2016
Effect of a global warming-induced increase in typhoon intensity on urban productivity in Taiwan
M Esteban, C Webersik, T Shibayama
Sustainability Science 4, 151-163, 2009
Norway-Russia disaster diplomacy for Svalbard
I Kelman, AK Sydnes, PI Duda, E Nikitina, C Webersik
Safety Science 130, 104896, 2020
Nepal climate change and security factsheet
C Webersik, M Thapa
Climate Change Fact Sheet Series 1, 2008
Climate change, conflicts and migration
L Thalheimer, C Webersik
Environmental conflicts, migration and governance, 59-82, 2020
Learning automata-based misinformation mitigation via Hawkes processes
A Abouzeid, OC Granmo, C Webersik, M Goodwin
Information Systems Frontiers, 1-20, 2021
The impact of institutional change on foreign policy-making: The case of the EU horn of Africa strategy
T Henökl, C Webersik
European foreign affairs review 19 (4), 2014
Innovation in responding to climate change: nanotechnology, ocean energy and forestry
M Esteban, C Webersik, DK Leary, D Thompson-Pomeroy
United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), 2008
Reducing the risk of conflict recurrence: The relevance of natural resource management
M Levy
Governance, Natural Resources and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, 39-70, 2016
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