Jon Hjelmervik
Jon Hjelmervik
Research Manager, SINTEF, Norway
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Cited by
State-of-the-art in heterogeneous computing
AR Brodtkorb, C Dyken, TR Hagen, JM Hjelmervik, OO Storaasli
Scientific Programming 18 (1), 1-33, 2010
Visual simulation of shallow-water waves
TR Hagen, JM Hjelmervik, KA Lie, JR Natvig, MO Henriksen
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 13 (8), 716-726, 2005
How to solve systems of conservation laws numerically using the graphics processor as a high-performance computational engine
TR Hagen, MO Henriksen, JM Hjelmervik, KA Lie
Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization: Applied …, 2007
The GPU as a high performance computational resource
T Dokken, TR Hagen, JM Hjelmervik
Proceedings of the 21st spring conference on Computer graphics, 21-26, 2005
GPU-accelerated shape simplification for mechanical-based applications
J Hjelmervik, JC Léon
IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2007 (SMI …, 2007
A framework for OpenGL client-server rendering
C Dyken, KO Lye, J Seland, EW Bjønnes, J Hjelmervik, JO Nygaard, ...
4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science …, 2012
An introduction to general-purpose computing on programmable graphics hardware
T Dokken, TR Hagen, JM Hjelmervik
Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization: Applied …, 2007
Deep learning based decomposition for visual navigation in industrial platforms
Y Djenouri, J Hatleskog, J Hjelmervik, E Bjorne, T Utstumo, M Mobarhan
Applied Intelligence 52 (7), 8101-8117, 2022
GPU-based screen space tessellation
JM Hjelmervik, TR Hagen
Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces: Tromsø, 2005
CloudFlow-an infrastructure for engineering workflows in the cloud
HH Holm, JM Hjelmervik, V Gezer
Tenth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems …, 2016
Interactive Isogeometric Volume Visualization with Pixel-Accurate Geometry
FG Fuchs, JM Hjelmervik
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 22 (2), 1102-1114, 2015
Direct pixel-accurate rendering of smooth surfaces
J Hjelmervik
Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces: 8th International Conference …, 2014
Hybrid decomposition convolution neural network and vocabulary forest for image retrieval
Y Djenouri, J Hjelmervik
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 3064-3070, 2021
The CloudFlow Infrastructure for Multi-Vendor Engineering Workflows: Concept and Validation
HH Holm, V Gezer, S Hermawati, C Altenhofen, JM Hjelmervik
International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology 10 (1), 2017
Using the graphic processor as a high-performance computational engine for solving system of hyperbolic conservation low
TR Hagen, MO Henriksen, JM Hjelmervik, KA Lie
Geometric Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Optimization: Applied …, 2007
Interactive Pixel-Accurate Rendering of LR-Splines and T-Splines.
JM Hjelmervik, FG Fuchs
Eurographics (Short Papers), 65-68, 2015
Flexible integration of cloud-based engineering services using semantic technologies
C Stahl, E Bellos, C Altenhofen, J Hjelmervik
2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 1520-1525, 2015
Spatial Orientation in Cardiac Ultrasound Images Using Mixed Reality: Design and Evaluation
D Maddali, H Brun, G Kiss, JM Hjelmervik, OJ Elle
Frontiers in Virtual Reality 3, 881338, 2022
Interactive exploration of big scientific data: new representations and techniques
JM Hjelmervik, OJD Barrowclough
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 36 (3), 6-9, 2016
Heterogeneous computing with focus on mechanical engineering
JM Hjelmervik
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Articles 1–20