High temperature wear resistance of (TiAl) N PVD coating on untreated and gas nitrided AISI H13 steel with different heat treatments R Rodriguez-Baracaldo, JA Benito, ES Puchi-Cabrera, MH Staia Wear 262 (3-4), 380-389, 2007 | 151 | 2007 |
The influence of alkali treatment on banana fibre's mechanical properties JC Mejía Osorio, R Rodríguez Baracaldo, JJ Olaya Florez Ingeniería e investigación 32 (1), 83-87, 2012 | 61 | 2012 |
Influence of boron content on the fracture toughness and fatigue crack propagation kinetics of bainitic steels KF Rodríguez-Galeano, R Rodríguez-Baracaldo, A Mestra-Rodríguez, ... Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 86, 351-360, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Caracterización microestructural y mecánica de aceros de fase dual (ferrita-martensita), obtenidos mediante procesos térmicos y termomecánicos DE Castillo Gutiérrez, II Angarita Moncaleano, R Rodríguez Baracaldo Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería 26 (3), 430-439, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
Mechanical response of nanocrystalline steel obtained by mechanical attrition R Rodríguez-Baracaldo, JA Benito, JM Cabrera, JM Prado Journal of materials science 42, 1757-1764, 2007 | 15 | 2007 |
Actualidad y perspectivas en la enseñanza del área de manufactura a estudiantes de ingeniería JD Orjuela-Méndez, JM Arroyo-Osorio, R Rodríguez-Baracaldo Ingeniería Mecánica 16 (1), 59-71, 2013 | 14 | 2013 |
Procesos de severa deformación plástica para obtener materiales de grano nanométricos y ultrafinos R Rodríguez Baracaldo, JA Benito Páramo, JM Cabrera Marrero Ingeniería e Investigación 27 (1), 101-105, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Aproximación al reemplazo de equipo industrial AV Folleco, GA González, R RODRÍGUEZ Scientia et technica 2 (25), 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
Fracture Mechanisms in Dual-Phase Steel: Influence of Martensite Volume Fraction and Ferrite Grain Size. D Avendaño-Rodríguez, JD Granados, E Espejo-Mora, L Mujica-Roncery, ... Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review 11 (6), 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Studying the Hall-Petch effect regarding sub-micrometer steel (0.6% C) R Rodríguez Baracaldo, JM Cabrera Marrero, JA Benito Páramo Ingeniería e investigación 31 (3), 112-120, 2011 | 11* | 2011 |
Tensile and compressive test in nanocrystalline and ultrafine carbon steel R Rodríguez-Baracaldo, JA Benito, JM Cabrera Journal of materials science 45, 4796-4804, 2010 | 11 | 2010 |
Evaluación de un monitor de paciente I Niubó Jorge, Á Cruz Hernández Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biomédicas 20 (2), 128-135, 2001 | 10 | 2001 |
High temperature wear Resistance of (TiAl) N PVD coating on untreated and gas nitrided AISI H13 steel with different heat treatments RR Baracaldo, JA Benito, ESP Cabrera, M Staia Wear 262 (3-4), 380-389, 2007 | 9 | 2007 |
Fatigue crack growth and fracture toughness in a dual phase steel: effect of increasing martensite volume fraction CP Velasquez, DA Rodriguez, CN Tovar, LM Roncery, RR Baracaldo International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 17 (3), 8086-8095, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Effect of flash butt welding parameters on mechanical properties of wheel rims RR Baracaldo, MC Santos, MAA Echeverría Scientia et technica 23 (1), 51-57, 2018 | 8 | 2018 |
Influencia del proceso de revenido en el comportamiento mecánico de un acero de fase dual de uso industrial automotriz R Rodríguez-Baracaldo, JM Arroyo-Osorio, Y Parra-Rodríguez Ingeniare. Revista chilena de ingeniería 24 (1), 94-101, 2016 | 8 | 2016 |
Charpy impact toughness and transition temperature in ferrite–perlite steel RR Baracaldo, CSC Herrera, DAV RONDÓN Scientia et technica 24 (2), 200-204, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Damage Evolution and Microstructural Fracture Mechanisms Related to Volume Fraction and Martensite Distribution on Dual‐Phase Steels DF Avendaño-Rodríguez, R Rodriguez-Baracaldo, S Weber, ... steel research international 94 (6), 2200460, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Computational and numerical analysis of ductile damage evolution under a load-unload tensile test in dual-phase steel J Anduquia-Restrepo, C Narvaez-Tovar, R Rodriguez-Baracaldo, ... Journal of Mechanical Engineering 64 (5), 339-348, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Effects of the vacuum moulding process on the mechanical properties of cotton/epoxy composite CL Tafur, EE Mora, RR Baracaldo Fibres & Textiles in Eastern Europe, 93-97, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |