Problem statement and requirements for IPv6 over low-power wireless personal area network (6LoWPAN) routing E Kim, D Kaspar, C Gomez, C Bormann | 100 | 2012 |
Design and application spaces for IPv6 over low-power wireless personal area networks (6LoWPANs) E Kim, D Kaspar, JP Vasseur | 95 | 2012 |
Improving the performance of quality-adaptive video streaming over multiple heterogeneous access networks K Evensen, D Kaspar, C Griwodz, P Halvorsen, A Hansen, P Engelstad Proceedings of the second annual ACM conference on Multimedia systems, 57-68, 2011 | 95 | 2011 |
Mobile video streaming using location-based network prediction and transparent handover K Evensen, A Petlund, H Riiser, P Vigmostad, D Kaspar, C Griwodz, ... Proceedings of the 21st international workshop on Network and operating …, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
Using HTTP pipelining to improve progressive download over multiple heterogeneous interfaces D Kaspar, K Evensen, P Engelstad, AF Hansen 2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010 | 75 | 2010 |
A network-layer proxy for bandwidth aggregation and reduction of IP packet reordering K Evensen, D Kaspar, P Engelstad, AF Hansen, C Griwodz, P Halvorsen 2009 IEEE 34th Conference on Local Computer Networks, 585-592, 2009 | 73 | 2009 |
Data segmentation, request and transfer method D Kaspar, KR Evensen, PE Engelstad, AF Hansen, C Griwodz, ... US Patent 8,516,147, 2013 | 72 | 2013 |
Multipath aggregation of heterogeneous access networks D Kaspar ACM SIGMultimedia Records 4 (1), 27-28, 2012 | 52 | 2012 |
An analysis of the heterogeneity and IP packet reordering over multiple wireless networks D Kaspar, K Evensen, AF Hansen, P Engelstad, P Halvorsen, C Griwodz 2009 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 637-642, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
Quality-adaptive scheduling for live streaming over multiple access networks K Evensen, T Kupka, D Kaspar, P Halvorsen, C Griwodz Proceedings of the 20th international workshop on Network and operating …, 2010 | 43 | 2010 |
Enhancing video-on-demand playout over multiple heterogeneous access networks D Kaspar, K Evensen, P Engelstad, AF Hansen, C Griwodz 2010 7th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 1-5, 2010 | 43 | 2010 |
Problem statement and requirements for 6lowpan routing E Kim, D Kaspar, C Gomez, C Bormann draft-ietf-6lowpan-routing-requirements-04, IETF Internet Draft (work in …, 2009 | 43 | 2009 |
Using bandwidth aggregation to improve the performance of quality-adaptive streaming K Evensen, D Kaspar, C Griwodz, P Halvorsen, AF Hansen, P Engelstad Signal Processing: Image Communication 27 (4), 312-328, 2012 | 31 | 2012 |
Design and Application spaces for 6LoWPANs E Kim, D Kaspar, N Chevrollier, JP Vasseur draft-ietf-6lowpan-usecases-05, IETF Internet Draft (Work in Progress), 2009 | 26 | 2009 |
Mobility support in 6LoWPAN MK Shin, T Camilo, J Silva, D Kaspar draft-shin-6Iowpan-mobility-01,(work in progress), 2007 | 22 | 2007 |
Design and Application Spaces for 6LoWPANs draft-ietf-6lowpan-usecases-09 E Kim, D Kaspar, N Chevrollier, JP Vasseur Design and Application Spaces for 6LoWPANs draft-ietf-6lowpan-usecases-09, 2011 | 19 | 2011 |
Indoor positioning using spatial power spectrum K Sayrafian-Pour, D Kaspar 2005 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2005 | 19 | 2005 |
Application of beamforming in wireless location estimation K Sayrafian-Pour, D Kaspar EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2006, 1-13, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
Internet-Draft-6lowpan-mobility M Shin, T Camilo, J Silva, D Kaspar Internet-Draft 2, 5-10, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |
PMIPv6 fast handover for PMIPv6 based on 802.11 networks JC Lee, D Kaspar Network Working Group, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |