Kurt Jörnsten
Kurt Jörnsten
Professor in Management Science Norwegian School of Economics
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Cost allocation in collaborative forest transportation
M Frisk, M Göthe-Lundgren, K Jörnsten, M Rönnqvist
European Journal of Operational Research 205 (2), 448-458, 2010
Vehicle routing with time windows: Two optimization algorithms
ML Fisher, KO Jörnsten, OBG Madsen
Operations research 45 (3), 488-492, 1997
Enhancing an algorithm for set covering problems
JE Beasley, K Jörnsten
European Journal of Operational Research 58 (2), 293-300, 1992
Zonal pricing in a deregulated electricity market
M Bjorndal, K Jornsten
The Energy Journal 22 (1), 51-73, 2001
Weighted k‐cardinality trees: Complexity and polyhedral structure
M Fischetti, HW Hamacher, K Jørnsten, F Maffioli
Networks 24 (1), 11-21, 1994
A new Lagrangian relaxation approach to the generalized assignment problem
K Jörnsten, M Näsberg
European Journal of Operational Research 27 (3), 313-323, 1986
A bilinear approach to the pooling problem
LR Foulds, D Haugland, K Jørnsten
Optimization 24 (1-2), 165-180, 1992
On the nucleolus of the basic vehicle routing game
M Göthe-Lundgren, K Jörnsten, P Värbrand
Mathematical programming 72, 83-100, 1996
Estimation of origin-destination matrices from traffic counts using multiobjective programming formulations
M Brenninger-Göthe, KO Jörnsten, JT Lundgren
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 23 (4), 257-269, 1989
Equilibrium prices supported by dual price functions in markets with non-convexities
M Bjørndal, K Jörnsten
European Journal of Operational Research 190 (3), 768-789, 2008
Benefits from coordinating congestion management—The Nordic power market
M Bjørndal, K Jörnsten
Energy policy 35 (3), 1978-1991, 2007
Computational results from a new Lagrangean relaxation algorithm for the capacitated plant location problem
J Barcelo, E Fernandez, KO Jörnsten
European Journal of Operational Research 53 (1), 38-45, 1991
On bicriterion minimal spanning trees: An approximation
KA Andersen, K Jörnsten, M Lind
Computers & Operations Research 23 (12), 1171-1182, 1996
Lagrangean relaxation and constraint generation procedures for capacitated plant location problems with single sourcing
J Barcelo, Å Hallefjord, E Fernandez, K Jörnsten
Operations-Research-Spektrum 12 (2), 79-88, 1990
A maximum entropy approach to the newsvendor problem with partial information
J Andersson, K Jörnsten, SL Nonås, L Sandal, J Ubøe
European Journal of Operational Research 228 (1), 190-200, 2013
Tabu search for general zero-one integer programs using the pivot and complement heuristic
R Aboudi, K Jörnsten
ORSA Journal on Computing 6 (1), 82-93, 1994
Congestion management in the Nordic power market—counter purchases and zonal pricing
M Bjørndal, K Jørnsten, V Pignon
Journal of Network Industries, 271-292, 2003
Tabu search within a pivot and complement framework
A Løkketangen, K Jörnsten, S Storøy
International Transactions in Operational Research 1 (3), 305-316, 1994
Semi-Lagrangean approach for price discovery in markets with non-convexities
V Araoz, K Jörnsten
European Journal of Operational Research 214 (2), 411-417, 2011
Variable splitting: A new Lagrangean relaxation approach to some mathematical programming models
KO Jörnsten, M Näsberg, PA Smeds
Universitetet i Linköping/Tekniska Högskolan i Linköping. Department of …, 1985
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