Raquel Almeida
Raquel Almeida
CISUC, Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra
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Cited by
University students’ attitudes toward same-sex parenting and gay and lesbian rights in Portugal
PA Costa, R Almeida, C Anselmo, A Ferreira, H Pereira, I Leal
Journal of homosexuality 61 (12), 1667-1686, 2014
Perception of oral maxillofacial surgery by health-care professionals
NS Rocha, JR Laureano Filho, EDO Silva, RCA Almeida
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 37 (1), 41-46, 2008
Differential gene expression analysis in antimony-unresponsive Indian kala azar (visceral leishmaniasis) clinical isolates by DNA microarray
N Singh, R Almeida, H Kothari, P Kumar, G Mandal, M Chatterjee, ...
Parasitology 134 (6), 777-787, 2007
Benchmarking the resilience of self-adaptive software systems: perspectives and challenges
R Almeida, M Vieira
Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on software engineering for …, 2011
Combining convolutional side-outputs for road image segmentation
FAL Reis, R Almeida, E Kijak, S Malinowski, SJF Guimaraes, ...
2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2019
Klebsiella pneumoniae invasive syndrome
V Evangelista, CV Gonçalves, R Almeida, C Henriques, AM Baptista, ...
European journal of case reports in internal medicine 5 (3), 2018
Population structure, phylogeography, and genetic diversity of the common bottlenose dolphin in the tropical and subtropical southwestern Atlantic Ocean
LR Oliveira, LD Fraga, PH Ott, S Siciliano, F Lopes, R Almeida, JC Wickert, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 100 (2), 564-577, 2019
Architecture-based resilience evaluation for self-adaptive systems
J Cámara, R de Lemos, M Vieira, R Almeida, R Ventura
Computing 95, 689-722, 2013
Changeloads for resilience benchmarking of self-adaptive systems: A risk-based approach
R Almeida, M Vieira
2012 Ninth European Dependable Computing Conference, 173-184, 2012
Immune thrombocytopenia associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection
C Gouveia, V Evangelista, R Almeida, AM Baptista
European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine 5 (3), 2018
Efficient data distribution for DWS
R Almeida, J Vieira, M Vieira, H Madeira, J Bernardino
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 10th International Conference …, 2008
Using ArchiMate to integrate COBIT 5 and COSO metamodels
R Almeida, PL Pinto, MM Da Silva
Proceedings of the 13th European Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference …, 2016
Sharing experimental and field data: the amber raw data repository experience
R Almeida, N Mendes, H Madeira
2010 IEEE 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2010
Estudo exploratório das qualidades psicométricas da escala de competências sociais (EHS)
RB Ribeiro, R Almeida, R Almeida, D Rodrigues
Laboratório de Psicologia 2 (1), 103-111, 2004
Graph-based image gradients aggregated with random forests
R Almeida, E Kijak, S Malinowski, ZKG Patrocínio Jr, AA Araújo, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 166, 182-189, 2023
Status Taxonomico dos lobos-marinhos de Isla Foca (Peru): Arctocephalus australis, A. galapagoensis (CARNIVORA: OTARIIDAE) ou híbridos? 15va Reunión de Trabajo de Expertos en …
LR Oliveira, FRV Lopes, R Almeida, S Cárdenas, JC Márquez, D García, ...
Congreso SOLAMAC, 16-20, 2012
How to advance TPC benchmarks with dependability aspects
R Almeida, M Poess, R Nambiar, I Patil, M Vieira
Performance Evaluation, Measurement and Characterization of Complex Systems …, 2011
Exploring quantization error to improve human action classification
R Almeida, ZKG do Patrocínio, SJF Guimarães
2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1354-1360, 2017
Changeloads: A fundamental piece on the saso systems benchmarking puzzle
R Almeida, M Vieira
2012 IEEE Sixth International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self …, 2012
Incidência de Cercospora sp. em vagens de feijoeiro no município de Passo Fundo
FR Garcés, N Denardin, EM Reis, DD Manhago, R Almeida, CA Forcelini
Tropical Plant Pathology 34 (Suplemento), 2009
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Articles 1–20