Suraj Srivastava
Suraj Srivastava
Verifisert e-postadresse på iitj.ac.in
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Quasi-static and time-selective channel estimation for block-sparse millimeter wave hybrid MIMO systems: Sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) based approaches
S Srivastava, A Mishra, A Rajoriya, AK Jagannatham, G Ascheid
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (5), 1251-1266, 2018
Bayesian Learning Aided Sparse Channel Estimation for Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulated Systems
S Srivastava, RK Singh, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (8), 8343-8348, 2021
Bayesian learning aided simultaneous row and group sparse channel estimation in orthogonal time frequency space modulated MIMO systems
S Srivastava, RK Singh, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 70 (1), 635-648, 2021
Sparse, Group-Sparse, and Online Bayesian Learning Aided Channel Estimation for Doubly-Selective mmWave Hybrid MIMO OFDM Systems
S Srivastava, CSK Patro, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (9), 5843-5858, 2021
Sparse doubly-selective channel estimation techniques for OSTBC MIMO-OFDM systems: A hierarchical Bayesian Kalman filter based approach
S Srivastava, MS Kumar, A Mishra, S Chopra, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (8), 4844-4858, 2020
Bayesian Learning-Based Doubly-Selective Sparse Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Hybrid MIMO-FBMC-OQAM Systems
S Srivastava, P Singh, AK Jagannatham, A Karandikar, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (1), 529-543, 2020
OTFS transceiver design and sparse doubly-selective CSI estimation in analog and hybrid beamforming aided mmWave MIMO systems
S Srivastava, RK Singh, AK Jagannatham, A Chockalingam, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (12), 10902-10917, 2022
Fast Block LMS Based Estimation of Angularly Sparse Channels for Single-Carrier Wideband Millimeter Wave Hybrid MIMO Systems
S Srivastava, P Sharma, S Dwivedi, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (1), 666-681, 2021
Delay-Doppler and Angular Domain 4D-Sparse CSI Estimation in OTFS Aided MIMO Systems
S Srivastava, RK Singh, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71 (12), 13447-13452, 2022
Optimal Bit Allocation-Based Hybrid Precoder-Combiner Design Techniques for mmWave MIMO-OFDM Systems
M Majumder, H Saxena, S Srivastava, AK Jagannatham
IEEE Access 9, 54109-54125, 2021
Data aided quasistatic and doubly-selective CSI estimation using affine-precoded superimposed pilots in millimeter wave MIMO-OFDM systems
S Srivastava, J Nath, AK Jagannatham
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (7), 6983-6998, 2021
SBL-Based Hybrid Precoder/Combiner Design for Power and Spectrally Efficient Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems
S Srivastava, A Mishra, AK Jagannatham, G Ascheid
2020 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2020
Robust Distributed Hybrid Beamforming in Coordinated Multi-User Multi-Cell mmWave MIMO Systems Relying on Imperfect CSI
M Jafri, A Anand, S Srivastava, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 70 (12), 8123-8137, 2022
Hybrid transceiver design for Tera-Hertz MIMO systems relying on Bayesian learning aided sparse channel estimation
S Srivastava, A Tripathi, N Varshney, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2022
Cooperative hybrid transmit beamforming in cell-free mmWave MIMO networks
M Jafri, S Srivastava, NKD Venkategowda, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (5), 6023-6038, 2023
Bayesian learning-based linear decentralized sparse parameter estimation in MIMO wireless sensor networks relying on imperfect CSI
KP Rajput, A Kumar, S Srivastava, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 69 (9), 6236-6250, 2021
Second-Order Statistics-Based Semi-Blind Techniques for Channel Estimation in Millimeter-Wave MIMO Analog and Hybrid Beamforming
P Singh, S Srivastava, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (11), 6886-6901, 2020
Sparse Bayesian Learning (SBL)-Based Frequency-Selective Channel Estimation for Millimeter Wave Hybrid MIMO Systems
S Srivastava, CSK Patro, AK Jagannatham, G Sharma
2019 National Conference on Communications (NCC), 1-6, 2019
Centralized and Distributed Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO-Based Data Fusion With Perfect and Bayesian Learning (BL)-Based Imperfect CSI
A Chawla, PS Kumar, S Srivastava, AK Jagannatham
IEEE Transactions on Communications 70 (3), 1777-1791, 2022
Energy Efficiency Optimization in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Hybrid Multiuser mmWave MIMO Systems
J Singh, S Srivastava, SP Yadav, AK Jagannatham, L Hanzo
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2023
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