Paul Myers
Paul Myers
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta
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Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program: A new international ocean observing system
MS Lozier, S Bacon, AS Bower, SA Cunningham, MF de Jong, L de Steur, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (4), 737-752, 2017
Recent increases in Arctic freshwater flux affects Labrador Sea convection and Atlantic overturning circulation
Q Yang, TH Dixon, PG Myers, J Bonin, D Chambers, MR Van Den Broeke, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 10525, 2016
Eddy-permitting ocean circulation hindcasts of past decades
B Barnier, L Brodeau, J Le Sommer, JM Molines, T Penduff, S Theetten, ...
Clivar Exchanges 42 (12 (3)), 8-10, 2007
Modeling the paleocirculation of the Mediterranean: The Last Glacial Maximum and the Holocene with emphasis on the formation of sapropel S 1
PG Myers, K Haines, EJ Rohling
Paleoceanography 13 (6), 586-606, 1998
Irminger water variability in the West Greenland Current
PG Myers, N Kulan, MH Ribergaard
Geophysical Research Letters 34 (17), 2007
Structure and variability of the West Greenland Current in summer derived from 6 repeat standard sections
PG Myers, C Donnelly, MH Ribergaard
Progress in Oceanography 80 (1-2), 93-112, 2009
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in high‐resolution models
JJM Hirschi, B Barnier, C Böning, A Biastoch, AT Blaker, A Coward, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (4), e2019JC015522, 2020
Impact of freshwater from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago on Labrador Sea water formation
PG Myers
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (6), 2005
Response of the Mediterranean Sea thermohaline circulation to observed changes in the winter wind stress field in the period 1980–1993
S Samuel, K Haines, S Josey, PG Myers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C4), 7771-7784, 1999
Greenland freshwater pathways in the sub‐A rctic S eas from model experiments with passive tracers
DS Dukhovskoy, PG Myers, G Platov, ML Timmermans, B Curry, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121 (1), 877-907, 2016
Meltwater pathways from marine terminating glaciers of the Greenland ice sheet
LC Gillard, X Hu, PG Myers, JL Bamber
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (20), 10,873-10,882, 2016
JEBAR, bottom pressure torque, and Gulf Stream separation
PG Myers, AF Fanning, AJ Weaver
Journal of Physical Oceanography 26 (5), 671-683, 1996
Impact of the circulation on sapropel formation in the eastern Mediterranean
K Stratford, RG Williams, PG Myers
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14 (2), 683-695, 2000
Future sea ice conditions in Western H udson B ay and consequences for polar bears in the 21st century
L Castro de la Guardia, AE Derocher, PG Myers, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (9), 2675-2687, 2013
Modeling a 200-yr interruption of the Holocene sapropel S1
PG Myers, EJ Rohling
Quaternary Research 53 (1), 98-104, 2000
Potential positive feedback between Greenland Ice Sheet melt and Baffin Bay heat content on the west Greenland shelf
L Castro de la Guardia, X Hu, PG Myers
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (12), 4922-4930, 2015
A diagnostic barotropic finite-element ocean circulation model
PG Myers, AJ Weaver
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 12 (3), 511-526, 1995
Thermodynamic and dynamic ice thickness contributions in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in NEMO-LIM2 numerical simulations
X Hu, J Sun, TO Chan, PG Myers
The Cryosphere 12 (4), 1233-1247, 2018
On the importance of the choice of wind stress forcing to the modeling of the Mediterranean Sea circulation
PG Myers, K Haines, S Josey
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 103 (C8), 15729-15749, 1998
Mixed layer depth calculation in deep convection regions in ocean numerical models
P Courtois, X Hu, C Pennelly, P Spence, PG Myers
Ocean Modelling 120, 60-78, 2017
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Articles 1–20