Santanu Sinha
Santanu Sinha
Researcher, PoreLab, University of Oslo
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Effective rheology of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
S Sinha, A Hansen
Europhysics Letters 99 (4), 44004, 2012
Effective rheology of two-phase flow in three-dimensional porous media: experiment and simulation
S Sinha, AT Bender, M Danczyk, K Keepseagle, CA Prather, JM Bray, ...
Transport in porous media 119, 77-94, 2017
Effective rheology of bubbles moving in a capillary tube
S Sinha, A Hansen, D Bedeaux, S Kjelstrup
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (2 …, 2013
History independence of steady state in simultaneous two-phase flow through two-dimensional porous media
M Erpelding, S Sinha, KT Tallakstad, A Hansen, EG Flekkøy, KJ Måløy
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (5 …, 2013
Relations between seepage velocities in immiscible, incompressible two-phase flow in porous media
A Hansen, S Sinha, D Bedeaux, S Kjelstrup, MA Gjennestad, M Vassvik
Transport in Porous Media 125, 565-587, 2018
Local load-sharing fiber bundle model in higher dimensions
S Sinha, JT Kjellstadli, A Hansen
Physical Review E 92 (2), 020401, 2015
Effective rheology of two-phase flow in a capillary fiber bundle model
S Roy, A Hansen, S Sinha
Frontiers in Physics 7, 92, 2019
Fluid meniscus algorithms for dynamic pore-network modeling of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
S Sinha, MA Gjennestad, M Vassvik, A Hansen
Frontiers in Physics 8, 548497, 2021
Flow-area relations in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
S Roy, S Sinha, A Hansen
Frontiers in Physics 8, 4, 2020
The co-moving velocity in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
S Roy, H Pedersen, S Sinha, A Hansen
Transport in Porous Media 143 (1), 69-102, 2022
A statistical mechanics framework for immiscible and incompressible two-phase flow in porous media
A Hansen, EG Flekkøy, S Sinha, PA Slotte
Advances in Water Resources 171, 104336, 2023
Rheology of immiscible two-phase flow in mixed wet porous media: Dynamic pore network model and capillary fiber bundle model results
H Fyhn, S Sinha, S Roy, A Hansen
Transport in Porous Media 139 (3), 491-512, 2021
Breakdown of universality in directed spiral percolation
S Sinha, SB Santra
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 39, 513-519, 2004
Role of pore-size distribution on effective rheology of two-phase flow in porous media
S Roy, S Sinha, A Hansen
Frontiers in Water 3, 709833, 2021
A Monte Carlo algorithm for immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
I Savani, S Sinha, A Hansen, D Bedeaux, S Kjelstrup, M Vassvik
Transport in Porous Media 116, 869-888, 2017
Dynamic wettability alteration in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media: effect on transport properties and critical slowing down
V Flovik, S Sinha, A Hansen
Frontiers in Physics 3, 86, 2015
Ensemble distribution for immiscible two-phase flow in porous media
I Savani, D Bedeaux, S Kjelstrup, M Vassvik, S Sinha, A Hansen
Physical Review E 95 (2), 023116, 2017
Local wettability reversal during steady-state two-phase flow in porous media
S Sinha, M Grøva, TB Ødegården, E Skjetne, A Hansen
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (3 …, 2011
Crack localization and the interplay between stress enhancement and thermal noise
S Sinha, S Roy, A Hansen
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 569, 125782, 2021
Phase transitions and correlations in fracture processes where disorder and stress compete
S Sinha, S Roy, A Hansen
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043108, 2020
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