James Heathers
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Cited by
Considerations in the assessment of heart rate variability in biobehavioral research
DS Quintana, JAJ Heathers
Frontiers in psychology 5, 805, 2014
Guidelines for Reporting Articles on Psychiatry and Heart rate variability (GRAPH): recommendations to advance research communication
DS Quintana, GA Alvares, JAJ Heathers
Translational psychiatry 6 (5), e803-e803, 2016
Mindfulness meditation, well-being, and heart rate variability: a preliminary investigation into the impact of intensive Vipassana meditation
JR Krygier, JAJ Heathers, S Shahrestani, M Abbott, JJ Gross, AH Kemp
International Journal of Psychophysiology 89 (3), 305-313, 2013
Everything Hertz: methodological issues in short-term frequency-domain HRV
JAJ Heathers
Frontiers in physiology 5, 177, 2014
Matter over mind: a randomised-controlled trial of single-session biofeedback training on performance anxiety and heart rate variability in musicians
R Wells, T Outhred, JAJ Heathers, DS Quintana, AH Kemp
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e46597, 2012
The GRIM test: A simple technique detects numerous anomalies in the reporting of results in psychology
NJL Brown, JAJ Heathers
Social Psychological and Personality Science 8 (4), 363-369, 2017
Smartphone-enabled pulse rate variability: An alternative methodology for the collection of heart rate variability in psychophysiological research
JAJ Heathers
International journal of psychophysiology 89 (3), 297-304, 2013
On the validity of using the Polar RS800 heart rate monitor for heart rate variability research
DS Quintana, JAJ Heathers, AH Kemp
European journal of applied physiology 112, 4179-4180, 2012
Social robots for hospitalized children
DE Logan, C Breazeal, MS Goodwin, S Jeong, B O’Connell, ...
Pediatrics 144 (1), 2019
Worry is associated with robust reductions in heart rate variability: a transdiagnostic study of anxiety psychopathology
JA Chalmers, JAJ Heathers, MJ Abbott, AH Kemp, DS Quintana
BMC psychology 4, 1-9, 2016
Sympathovagal balance from heart rate variability: an obituary.
JAJ Heathers
Experimental physiology 97 (4), 2012
The lesson of ivermectin: meta-analyses based on summary data alone are inherently unreliable
JM Lawrence, G Meyerowitz-Katz, JAJ Heathers, NJL Brown, ...
Nature Medicine 27 (11), 1853-1854, 2021
How podcasts can benefit scientific communities
DS Quintana, JAJ Heathers
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 25 (1), 3-5, 2021
Recovering data from summary statistics: Sample parameter reconstruction via iterative techniques (SPRITE)
JA Heathers, J Anaya, T van der Zee, NJL Brown
PeerJ Preprints, 2018
Cortical thickness and resting‐state cardiac function across the lifespan: A cross‐sectional pooled mega‐analysis
J Koenig, B Abler, I Agartz, T Åkerstedt, OA Andreassen, M Anthony, ...
Psychophysiology 58 (7), e13688, 2021
Correction of scientific literature: Too little, too late!
L Besançon, E Bik, J Heathers, G Meyerowitz-Katz
PLoS Biology 20 (3), e3001572, 2022
Prognosis after acute coronary syndrome in relation with ventricular–arterial coupling and left ventricular strain
A Milewska, A Minczykowski, T Krauze, J Piskorski, J Heathers, ...
International journal of cardiology 220, 343-348, 2016
Enhancing and accelerating social science via automation: Challenges and opportunities
T Yarkoni, D Eckles, JAJ Heathers, M Levenstein, PE Smaldino, JI Lane
Harv. Data Sci. Rev, 2019
Psychophysiological audience responses to war journalism and peace journalism
J Lynch, A McGoldrick, J Heathers
Global Media and Communication 11 (3), 201-217, 2015
The voluntary control of piloerection
JAJ Heathers, K Fayn, PJ Silvia, N Tiliopoulos, MS Goodwin
PeerJ 6, e5292, 2018
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Articles 1–20