Curtis Huttenhower
Curtis Huttenhower
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health
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Cited by
Reproducible, interactive, scalable and extensible microbiome data science using QIIME 2
E Bolyen, JR Rideout, MR Dillon, NA Bokulich, CC Abnet, GA Al-Ghalith, ...
Nature biotechnology 37 (8), 852-857, 2019
Metagenomic biomarker discovery and explanation
N Segata, J Izard, L Waldron, D Gevers, L Miropolsky, WS Garrett, ...
Genome biology 12, 1-18, 2011
Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome
nature 486 (7402), 207-214, 2012
Predictive functional profiling of microbial communities using 16S rRNA marker gene sequences
MGI Langille, J Zaneveld, JG Caporaso, D McDonald, D Knights, ...
Nature biotechnology 31 (9), 814-821, 2013
PICRUSt2 for prediction of metagenome functions
GM Douglas, VJ Maffei, JR Zaneveld, SN Yurgel, JR Brown, CM Taylor, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (6), 685-688, 2020
The treatment-naive microbiome in new-onset Crohn’s disease
D Gevers, S Kugathasan, LA Denson, Y Vázquez-Baeza, W Van Treuren, ...
Cell host & microbe 15 (3), 382-392, 2014
Dysfunction of the intestinal microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease and treatment
XC Morgan, TL Tickle, H Sokol, D Gevers, KL Devaney, DV Ward, ...
Genome biology 13, 1-18, 2012
A framework for human microbiome research
nature 486 (7402), 215-221, 2012
Multi-omics of the gut microbial ecosystem in inflammatory bowel diseases
J Lloyd-Price, C Arze, AN Ananthakrishnan, M Schirmer, J Avila-Pacheco, ...
Nature 569 (7758), 655-662, 2019
Genomic analysis identifies association of Fusobacterium with colorectal carcinoma
AD Kostic, D Gevers, CS Pedamallu, M Michaud, F Duke, AM Earl, ...
Genome research 22 (2), 292-298, 2012
MetaPhlAn2 for enhanced metagenomic taxonomic profiling
DT Truong, EA Franzosa, TL Tickle, M Scholz, G Weingart, E Pasolli, ...
Nature methods 12 (10), 902-903, 2015
Expansion of intestinal Prevotella copri correlates with enhanced susceptibility to arthritis
JU Scher, A Sczesnak, RS Longman, N Segata, C Ubeda, C Bielski, ...
elife 2, e01202, 2013
The healthy human microbiome
J Lloyd-Price, G Abu-Ali, C Huttenhower
Genome medicine 8, 1-11, 2016
Metagenomic microbial community profiling using unique clade-specific marker genes
N Segata, L Waldron, A Ballarini, V Narasimhan, O Jousson, ...
Nature methods 9 (8), 811-814, 2012
Population-based metagenomics analysis reveals markers for gut microbiome composition and diversity
A Zhernakova, A Kurilshikov, MJ Bonder, EF Tigchelaar, M Schirmer, ...
Science 352 (6285), 565-569, 2016
Temporal development of the gut microbiome in early childhood from the TEDDY study
CJ Stewart, NJ Ajami, JL O’Brien, DS Hutchinson, DP Smith, MC Wong, ...
Nature 562 (7728), 583-588, 2018
Microbial co-occurrence relationships in the human microbiome
K Faust, JF Sathirapongsasuti, J Izard, N Segata, D Gevers, J Raes, ...
PLoS computational biology 8 (7), e1002606, 2012
Gut microbiome structure and metabolic activity in inflammatory bowel disease
EA Franzosa, A Sirota-Madi, J Avila-Pacheco, N Fornelos, HJ Haiser, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (2), 293-305, 2019
Potential role of intratumor bacteria in mediating tumor resistance to the chemotherapeutic drug gemcitabine
LT Geller, M Barzily-Rokni, T Danino, OH Jonas, N Shental, D Nejman, ...
Science 357 (6356), 1156-1160, 2017
Species-level functional profiling of metagenomes and metatranscriptomes
EA Franzosa, LJ McIver, G Rahnavard, LR Thompson, M Schirmer, ...
Nature methods 15 (11), 962-968, 2018
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Articles 1–20