Peyman Mirtaheri, Dr. Scient.
Peyman Mirtaheri, Dr. Scient.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design (OsloMet)
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Electrode polarization impedance in weak NaCl aqueous solutions
P Mirtaheri, S Grimnes, G Martinsen
IEEE Transactions on biomedical Engineering 52 (12), 2093-2099, 2005
Non-invasive measurements of post-mortem changes in dielectric properties of haddock muscle–a pilot study
ØG Martinsen, S Grimnes, P Mirtaheri
Journal of food engineering 43 (3), 189-192, 2000
Hemodynamic responses to resistance exercise in patients with coronary artery disease
TF Gjøvaag, P Mirtaheri, K Simon, G Berdal, I Tuchel, T Westlie, ...
Med Sci Sports Exerc 48 (4), 581-8, 2016
Analysis of human gait using hybrid EEG-fNIRS-based BCI system: a review
H Khan, N Naseer, A Yazidi, PK Eide, HW Hassan, P Mirtaheri
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14, 613254, 2021
Detection of organ ischemia during hemorrhagic shock
G Kvarstein, P Mirtaheri, TI Tønnessen
Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica 47 (6), 675-686, 2003
Acute hemodynamic and cardiovascular responses following resistance exercise to voluntary exhaustion. Effects of different loadings and exercise durations.
T Gjovaag, AK Hjelmeland, JB Oygard, H Vikne, P Mirtaheri
The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness 56 (5), 616-623, 2016
Assembly and packaging of a three-axis micro accelerometer used for detection of heart infarction
K Imenes, K Aasmundtveit, EM Husa, JO Høgetveit, S Halvorsen, OJ Elle, ...
Biomedical Microdevices 9, 951-957, 2007
Effect of three‐dimensional culture and incubator gas concentration on phenotype and differentiation capability of human mesenchymal stem cells
TA Karlsen, P Mirtaheri, A Shahdadfar, Y Fløisand, JE Brinchmann
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 112 (2), 684-693, 2011
Assessment of aerobic capacity and walking economy of unilateral transfemoral amputees
T Gjovaag, IM Starholm, P Mirtaheri, FW Hegge, K Skjetne
Prosthetics and orthotics international 38 (2), 140-147, 2014
Energy expenditure of transfemoral amputees during floor and treadmill walking with different speeds
IM Starholm, P Mirtaheri, N Kapetanovic, T Versto, G Skyttemyr, ...
Prosthetics and orthotics international 40 (3), 336-342, 2016
Assessing mobility for persons with lower limb amputation: the Figure-of-Eight Walk Test with the inclusion of two novel conditions
J Schack, P Mirtaheri, H Steen, T Gjøvaag
Disability and Rehabilitation 43 (9), 1323-1332, 2021
Solving the grand challenges together: a Brazil-Norway approach to teaching collaborative design and prototyping of assistive technologies and products for independent living
FE Sandnes, FO Medola, A Berg, OV Rodrigues, P Mirtaheri, T Gjøvaag
The Design Society, 2017
A new biomedical sensor for measuring PCO2
P Mirtaheri, S Grimnes, ØG Martinsen, TI Tønnessen
Physiological measurement 25 (2), 421, 2004
A review of the role of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in mechanically loaded tissues: the canary in the cage singing in tune with the pressure ulcer mantra
P Mirtaheri, T Gjøvaag, PR Worsley, DL Bader
Annals of biomedical engineering 43, 336-347, 2015
Carbon dioxide sensor and method of determining partial pressure of carbon dioxide
TI Tonnessen, P Mirtaheri
US Patent 8,003,401, 2011
Miniaturization of a biomedical gas sensor
P Mirtaheri, T Omtveit, T Klotzbuecher, S Grimnes, ØG Martinsen, ...
Physiological measurement 25 (6), 1511, 2004
Classification of individual finger movements from right hand using fNIRS signals
H Khan, FM Noori, A Yazidi, MZ Uddin, MNA Khan, P Mirtaheri
Sensors 21 (23), 7943, 2021
Increased prefrontal cortical activation during challenging walking conditions in persons with lower limb amputation–an fNIRS observational study
J Schack, AH Pripp, P Mirtaheri, H Steen, E Güler, T Gjøvaag
Physiotherapy theory and practice 38 (2), 255-265, 2022
T Omtveit, AK Fahlvik, P Mirtaheri, TI Tonnessen
US Patent App. 11/574,852, 2008
Resistance exercise and acute blood pressure responses
T Gjovaag, AK Hjelmeland, JB Øygard, H Vikne, P Mirtaheri
J Sports Med Phys Fitness 20, 2015
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Articles 1–20