Anders Dugstad
Anders Dugstad
Postdoctor in Environmental Economics at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences
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Acceptance of wind power development and exposure–Not-in-anybody's-backyard
A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Energy Policy 147, 111780, 2020
Do people prefer offshore to onshore wind energy? The role of ownership and intended use
K Linnerud, A Dugstad, BJ Rygg
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 168, 112732, 2022
The economic value of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest ecosystem services: A meta-analysis of the Brazilian literature
R Brouwer, R Pinto, A Dugstad, S Navrud
PloS one 17 (5), e0268425, 2022
Scope elasticity of willingness to pay in discrete choice experiments
A Dugstad, KM Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Environmental and Resource Economics 80 (1), 21-57, 2021
Place attachment and preferences for wind energy–a value-based approach
A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Energy Research & Social Science 100, 103094, 2023
Vindkraft i motvind-Miljøkostnadene er ikke til å blåse av
H Lindhjem, A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, ØN Handberg, G Kipperberg, E Kløw, ...
Aktuell kommentar. Samfunnsøkonomen 4, 6-17, 2019
Medvind for landbasert vindkraft eller stille før ny storm?
H Lindhjem, A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, S Navrud
Samfunnsøkonomene [Aktuell analyse] 5, 48-61, 2022
The Recreational value of Atlantic salmon angling under different fishing regulations
S Stensland, A Dugstad, S Navrud
Fisheries Management and Ecology 28 (4), 362-372, 2021
Acceptance of national wind power development and exposure: A case-control choice experiment approach
A Dugstad, KM Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Discussion Papers, 2020
Nature is Ours! – Psychological Ownership and Preferences for Wind Energy
A Dugstad, R Brouwer, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Energy Economics, 2024
Spatial Dimensions in Stated Preference Valuation: The Role of Place Attachment
KE Iversen, A Dugstad
Land Use Policy 136, 106971, 2024
Place attachment and preferences for landbased wind power–A discrete choice experiment
A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2022
Norwegian households' willingness to pay to preserve a global public good: the Amazon Rainforest
A Dugstad
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, 2018
Can the acceptance of a carbon tax be increased? The effect of tax revenue recycling and redistribution among households and companies
A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, H Lindhjem
Statistics Norway, 2023
How reliable are expert predictions of households’ willingness-to-pay to preserve the Amazon rainforest? Comparing contingent valuation, Delphi survey and benefit transfer
A Dugstad, S Navrud
Proceedings of the 24th European Association of Environmental and Resource …, 2019
The Reliability of Delphi Surveys and Benefit Transfer to Predict Outcomes of Contingent Valuation Surveys
A Dugstad, S Navrud
Land Economics 99 (3), 413-432, 2023
The Impact of Choice Architecture on Preferences for Public Goods Management Regimes: An Experimental Study of Attribute Translations and Signposting
A Dugstad, K Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
An economic exploration of the place satisfaction–place attachment relationship. a structural equation modelling approach
A Dugstad
EAERE, 2020
Scope elasticity and economic significance in discrete choice experiments
A Dugstad, KM Grimsrud, G Kipperberg, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Discussion Papers, 2020
Carbon pricing acceptance–the role of revenue recycling among households and companies in Norway
A Dugstad, KM Grimsrud, H Lindhjem
Climate Policy, 1-16, 2024
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