Adam Wilkinson Davis
Adam Wilkinson Davis
Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis
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Activity space estimation with longitudinal observations of social media data
JH Lee, AW Davis, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation 43, 955-977, 2016
Fragmentation in daily schedule of activities using activity sequences
EC McBride, AW Davis, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Record 2673 (4), 844-854, 2019
Potential future land use threats to California’s protected areas
TS Wilson, BM Sleeter, AW Davis
Regional Environmental Change 15, 1051-1064, 2015
Driving California’s transportation emissions to zero
AL Brown, D Sperling, B Austin, JR DeShazo, L Fulton, T Lipman, ...
Triggers of behavioral change: Longitudinal analysis of travel behavior, household composition and spatial characteristics of the residence
JH Lee, AW Davis, KG Goulias
Journal of choice modelling 24, 4-21, 2017
The role of sustainability advisers in developing sustainability outcomes for an infrastructure project: lessons from the Australian urban rail sector
J Scanlon, A Davis
Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 29 (2), 121-132, 2011
Sequence analysis of place-travel fragmentation in California
EC McBride, AW Davis, KG Goulias
Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, 371-398, 2020
Exploration of statewide fragmentation of activity and travel and a taxonomy of daily time use patterns using sequence analysis in California
EC McBride, AW Davis, KG Goulias
Transportation research record 2674 (12), 38-51, 2020
Distance, proximity, and freedom: Identifying conflicting priorities regarding urban backyard livestock slaughter
J Blecha, A Davis
Geoforum 57, 67-77, 2014
A latent class pattern recognition and data quality assessment of non-commute long-distance travel in California
AW Davis, EC McBride, KG Goulias
Transportation research record 2672 (42), 71-80, 2018
Exploring daily rhythms of interpersonal contacts: Time-of-day dynamics of human interactions with latent class cluster analysis
JH Lee, A Davis, SY Yoon, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Record 2666 (1), 58-68, 2017
Incorporating land use into methods of synthetic population generation and of transfer of behavioral data
EC McBride, AW Davis, JH Lee, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Record 2668 (1), 11-20, 2017
Behavioural micro-dynamics of car ownership and travel in the Seattle metropolitan region from 1989 to 2002
E McBride, JH Lee, AM Lundberg, AW Davis, KG Goulias
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 16 (4), 2016
Statewide comparison of origin-destination matrices between california travel model and twitter
JH Lee, A Davis, E McBride, KG Goulias
Mobility Patterns, Big Data and Transport Analytics, 201-228, 2019
Estimating the total number of workplace and public electric vehicle chargers in california
B Xu, AW Davis, G Tal
Transportation Research Record 2675 (12), 759-770, 2021
Emerging technology zero emission vehicle household travel and refueling behavior
G Tal, VC Karanam, MP Favetti, KM Sutton, JM Ogunmayin, SS Raghavan, ...
Introduction and the genome of travel behavior
KG Goulias, AW Davis, EC McBride
Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome, 1-14, 2020
Exploring social media data for travel demand analysis: A comparison of Twitter, household travel survey, and synthetic population data in California
JH Lee, A Davis, E McBride, KG Goulias
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
From shifting gears to changing modes: The impact of driver inputs on plug-in hybrid electric vehicle energy use & emissions
V Karanam, A Davis, C Sugihara, K Sutton, G Tal
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 14, 100597, 2022
Investigating the sensitivity of electric vehicle out-of-home charging demand to changes in light-duty vehicle fleet makeup and usage: A case study for california 2030
AW Davis, G Tal
Transportation Research Record 2675 (10), 1384-1395, 2021
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