Thomas Spriggs
Thomas Spriggs
Postdoc, TU Delft
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A comparison of spectral reconstruction methods applied to non-zero temperature NRQCD meson correlation functions
T Spriggs, G Aarts, C Allton, T Burns, RH D’Arcy, B Jäger, S Kim, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 258, 05011, 2022
Reconstruction of bottomonium spectral functions in thermal QCD using Kernel Ridge Regression
S Offler, G Aarts, C Allton, B Jäger, S Kim, MP Lombardo, B Page, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.02116, 2021
Thermal interquark potentials for bottomonium using NRQCD from the HAL QCD method
T Spriggs, C Allton, T Burns, S Kim
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.09092, 2021
Spectral reconstruction in NRQCD via the Backus-Gilbert method
B Page, G Aarts, C Allton, B Jäger, S Kim, MP Lombardo, S Offler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.02075, 2021
Bottomonium spectral widths at nonzero temperature using maximum likelihood
T Spriggs, G Aarts, C Allton, T Burns, B Jäger, S Kim, MP Lombardo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.01599, 2021
Quantum resources of quantum and classical variational methods
T Spriggs, A Ahmadi, B Chen, E Greplova
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.13008, 2024
PoS (LATTICE2021) 569 Thermal interquark potentials for bottomonium using NRQCD from the HAL QCD method
T Spriggs, C Allton, T Burns, S Kim
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