Anders Ravik Jupskås
Anders Ravik Jupskås
Director at the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX), University of Oslo
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Populist radical right parties in the Nordic region: A new and distinct party family?
AC Jungar, AR Jupskås
Scandinavian Political Studies 37 (3), 215-238, 2014
It's not economic interventionism, stupid! reassessing the political economy of radical right‐wing populist parties
S Otjes, G Ivaldi, AR Jupskås, O Mazzoleni
Swiss Political Science Review 24 (3), 270-290, 2018
Ekstreme Europa: Ideologi, årsaker og konsekvenser
AR Jupskås
Cappelen Damm, 2012
The persistence of populism. The Norwegian progress party 1973–2009
AR Jupskås
The taming of the shrew: How the Progress Party (almost) became part of the mainstream
AR Jupskås
Radical right-wing populist parties in Western Europe, 169-192, 2016
Høyreklikk! En analyse av ytre høyre på sosiale medier i Norge
BP Haanshuus, AR Jupskås
Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 58 (2), 145-165, 2017
The Progress Party: A fairly integrated part of the Norwegian party system?
AR Jupskås
Exposing the Demagogues. Right-wing and National Populist Parties in Europe …, 2013
Norway: Populism from anti-tax movement to government party
AR Jupskås, E Ivarsflaten, B Kalsnes, T Aalberg
Populist political communication in Europe, 54-67, 2016
Institutionalised right-wing populism in times of economic crisis: A comparative study of the Norwegian Progress Party and the Danish People’s Party
AR Jupskås
European populism in the shadow of the Great Recession, 23-40, 2015
We don’t need no education? Education policies of Western European populist radical right parties
AE Berg, J Jungblut, AR Jupskås
West European Politics 46 (7), 1312-1342, 2023
RTV Trend Report 2020: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990-2019
JA Ravndal, S Lygren, AR Jupskås, T Bjørgo
Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX). https://www. sv. uio. no/c-rex …, 2020
Mangfoldig mobilisering og velsmurt valgkampmaskineri: Fremskrittspartiet runder 40 år
AR Jupskås
Nytt norsk tidsskrift 30 (1), 5-16, 2013
The persistence of populism
AR Jupskås
The Norwegian progress party 1973–2009, 2015
What is right-wing extremism
AR Jupskås, IB Segers
Knowing what’s (far) right: A compendium, 7-9, 2020
6 The Norwegian Progress Party: Between a Business Firm and a Mass Party
AR Jupskås
Understanding populist party organisation: The radical right in Western …, 2016
RTV Trend Report 2023: Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence in Western Europe, 1990-2022
JA Ravndal, C Tandberg, S Sessolo, AR Jupskås, T Bjørgo
Universitetet i Oslo, 2023
Høyrepopulisme på norsk. Historien om Anders Langes Parti og Fremskrittspartiet (Right-wing Populism in Norwegian. The Story of Anders Lange’s Party and the Progress Party)
AR Jupskås
Høyrepopulisme i Europa (Right-wing Populism in Europe). Oslo: Unipub, 27-79, 2009
Methods for mapping far right violence
JA Ravndal, AR Jupskås
Researching the Far Right, 132-146, 2020
Feilslått kritikk av populismebegrepet
AR Jupskås
Nytt norsk tidsskrift 34 (4), 402-418, 2017
RTV Trend Report 2020
JA Ravndal, S Lygren, AR Jupskås, T Bjørgo
C-REX Research Report (Oslo: C-REX-Center for Research on Extremism …, 2020
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