Folker Wittmann
Folker Wittmann
Professor Emeritus, ETH Zurich
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Creep and shrinkage in concrete structures
ZP Bazant, FH Wittmann
Wiley, 1982
The wedge splitting test, a new method of performing stable fracture mechanics tests
E Brühwiler, FH Wittmann
Engineering fracture mechanics 35 (1-3), 117-125, 1990
Simulation and analysis of composite structures
FH Wittmann, PE Roelfstra, H Sadouki
Materials science and engineering 68 (2), 239-248, 1985
Influence of porosity and water content on the diffusivity of CO2 and O2 through hydrated cement paste
YF Houst, FH Wittmann
Cement and concrete research 24 (6), 1165-1176, 1994
Influence of freeze-thaw cycles on capillary absorption and chloride penetration into concrete
P Zhang, FH Wittmann, M Vogel, HS Müller, T Zhao
Cement and Concrete Research 100, 60-67, 2017
On the action of capillary pressure in fresh concrete
FH Wittmann
Cement and concrete research 6 (1), 49-56, 1976
Fracture energy and strain softening of concrete as determined by means of compact tension specimens
FH Wittmann, K Rokugo, E Brühwiler, H Mihashi, P Simonin
Materials and structures 21, 21-32, 1988
Size effect on toughness induced by crack close to free surface
X Hu, F Wittmann
Engineering fracture mechanics 65 (2-3), 209-221, 2000
Creep and shrinkage mechanisms
FH Wittmann
Creep and shrinkage in concrete structures, 129-161, 1982
Fracture energy and fracture process zone
XZ Hu, FH Wittmann
Materials and Structures 25, 319-326, 1992
Water repellent surface impregnation for extension of service life of reinforced concrete structures in marine environments: The role of cracks
JG Dai, Y Akira, FH Wittmann, H Yokota, P Zhang
Cement and Concrete Composites 32 (2), 101-109, 2010
Depth profiles of carbonates formed during natural carbonation
YF Houst, FH Wittmann
Cement and concrete research 32 (12), 1923-1930, 2002
Le béton numérique
PE Roelfstra, H Sadouki, FH Wittmann
Materials and Structures 18, 327-335, 1985
Interaction of hardened cement paste and water
FH Wittmann
Journal of the American ceramic society 56 (8), 409-415, 1973
Fracture mechanics of concrete
FH Wittmann
(No Title), 1983
Simulation of crack propagation and failure of concrete
YB Zaitsev, FH Wittmann
Matériaux et Construction 14, 357-365, 1981
Boundary effect on concrete fracture and non-constant fracture energy distribution
K Duan, X Hu, FH Wittmann
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 70 (16), 2257-2268, 2003
Crack formation and fracture energy of normal and high strength concrete
FH Wittmann
Sadhana 27 (4), 413-423, 2002
Influence of age of loading, water-cement ratio and rate of loading on fracture energy of concrete
FH Wittmann, PE Roelfstra, H Mihashi, YY Huang, XH Zhang, N Nomura
Materials and structures 20, 103-110, 1987
Surface tension skrinkage and strength of hardened cement paste
F Wittmann
Matériaux et Construction 1, 547-552, 1968
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