Salvatore Musumeci
Cited by
Cited by
Sensorless vector and speed control of brushless motor drives
A Consoli, S Musumeci, A Raciti, A Testa
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 41 (1), 91-96, 1994
Switching-behavior improvement of insulated gate-controlled devices
S Musumeci, A Raciti, A Testa, A Galluzzo, M Melito
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 12 (4), 645-653, 1997
An innovative EMI reduction design technique in power converters
A Consoli, S Musumeci, G Oriti, A Testa
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 38 (4), 567-575, 1996
MDmesh/sup TM: innovative technology for high voltage Power MOSFETs
M Saggio, D Fagone, S Musumeci
12th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & ICs …, 2000
A new driving circuit for IGBT devices
C Licitra, S Musumeci, A Raciti, AU Galluzzo, R Letor, M Melito
IEEE transactions on power electronics 10 (3), 373-378, 1995
Active voltage balancement of series connected IGBTs
A Consoli, S Musumeci, G Oriti, A Testa
IAS'95. Conference Record of the 1995 IEEE Industry Applications Conference …, 1995
Control of the switching transients of IGBT series strings by high-performance drive units
A Raciti, G Belverde, A Galluzzo, G Greco, M Melito, S Musumeci
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 48 (3), 482-490, 2001
Switching characteristic improvement of modern gate controlled devices
A Galluzzo, M Melito, G Belverde, S Musumeci, A Raciti, A Testa
1993 Fifth European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 374-379, 1993
A new adaptive driving technique for high current gate controlled devices
S Musumeci, A Raciti, A Testa, A Galluzzo, M Melito
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 1994
Snubberless voltage sharing of series-connected insulated-gate devices by a novel gate control strategy
G Belverde, A Galluzzo, M Melito, S Musumeci, A Raciti
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 16 (1), 132-141, 2001
Short circuit analysis and protection of power module IGBTs
R Pagano, Y Chen, K Smedley, S Musumeci, A Raciti
Twentieth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition …, 2005
Gallium Nitride Power Devices in Power Electronics Applications: State of Art and Perspectives
S Musumeci, V Barba
Energies 16 (9), 3894, 2023
A new gate circuit performing fault protections of IGBTs during short circuit transients
S Musumeci, R Pagano, A Raciti, G Belverde, A Melito
Conference Record of the 2002 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 37th …, 2002
Low-voltage gan fets in motor control application; issues and advantages: A review
S Musumeci, F Mandrile, V Barba, M Palma
Energies 14 (19), 6378, 2021
Monolithic bidirectional switch based on GaN gate injection transistors
S Musumeci, M Panizza, F Stella, F Perraud
2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE …, 2020
Gate charge control of high-voltage Silicon-Carbide (SiC) MOSFET in power converter applications
S Musumeci
2015 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP), 709-715, 2015
Advanced characterization of low-voltage power MOSFETs in synchronous-rectifier buck-converter applications
G Belverde, C Guastella, M Melito, S Musumeci, R Pagano, A Raciti
38th IAS Annual Meeting on Conference Record of the Industry Applications …, 2003
Parallel strings of IGBTs in short circuit transients: analysis of the parameter influence and experimental behavior
S Musumeci, R Pagano, A Raciti, F Frisina, M Melito
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society …, 2002
Full-Bridge DC-DC Power Converter for Telecom applications with Advanced Trench Gate MOSFETs
R Bojoi, F Fusillo, A Raciti, S Musumeci, F Scrimizzi, S Rizzo
2018 IEEE International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), 1-7, 2018
Zero voltage switching condition in class-e inverter for capacitive wireless power transfer applications
F Corti, A Reatti, YH Wu, D Czarkowski, S Musumeci
Energies 14 (4), 911, 2021
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Articles 1–20