A personal resource for technology interaction: development and validation of the affinity for technology interaction (ATI) scale T Franke, C Attig, D Wessel International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (6), 456-467, 2019 | 765 | 2019 |
Experiencing range in an electric vehicle: Understanding psychological barriers T Franke, I Neumann, F Bühler, P Cocron, JF Krems Applied Psychology 61 (3), 368-391, 2012 | 600 | 2012 |
What drives range preferences in electric vehicle users? T Franke, JF Krems Transport Policy 30, 56-62, 2013 | 456 | 2013 |
Understanding charging behaviour of electric vehicle users T Franke, JF Krems Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 21, 75-89, 2013 | 430 | 2013 |
Understanding the impact of electric vehicle driving experience on range anxiety N Rauh, T Franke, JF Krems Human factors 57 (1), 177-187, 2015 | 366 | 2015 |
Is EV experience related to EV acceptance? Results from a German field study F Bühler, P Cocron, I Neumann, T Franke, JF Krems Transportation Research Part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 25, 34-49, 2014 | 302 | 2014 |
Interacting with limited mobility resources: Psychological range levels in electric vehicle use T Franke, JF Krems Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 48, 109-122, 2013 | 292 | 2013 |
Abandonment of personal quantification: A review and empirical study investigating reasons for wearable activity tracking attrition C Attig, T Franke Computers in Human Behavior 102, 223-237, 2020 | 189 | 2020 |
I track, therefore I walk–Exploring the motivational costs of wearing activity trackers in actual users C Attig, T Franke International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 127, 211-224, 2019 | 165 | 2019 |
Methods of evaluating electric vehicles from a user's perspective–the MINI E field trial in Berlin P Cocron, F Bühler, I Neumann, T Franke, JF Krems, M Schwalm, ... IET Intelligent Transport Systems 5 (2), 127-133, 2011 | 152 | 2011 |
Barriers to and facilitators for using nutrition apps: systematic review and conceptual framework LM König, C Attig, T Franke, B Renner JMIR mHealth and uHealth 9 (6), e20037, 2021 | 112 | 2021 |
Enhancing sustainability of electric vehicles: A field study approach to understanding user acceptance and behaviour T Franke, F Bühler, P Cocron, I Neumann, JF Krems Advances in traffic psychology, 295-306, 2019 | 95 | 2019 |
Does this range suit me? Range satisfaction of battery electric vehicle users T Franke, M Günther, M Trantow, JF Krems Applied ergonomics 65, 191-199, 2017 | 93 | 2017 |
System latency guidelines then and now–is zero latency really considered necessary? C Attig, N Rauh, T Franke, JF Krems Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Cognition and Design: 14th …, 2017 | 93 | 2017 |
Does range matter? Exploring perceptions of electric vehicles with and without a range extender among potential early adopters in Germany T Schneidereit, T Franke, M Günther, JF Krems Energy Research & Social Science 8, 198-206, 2015 | 89 | 2015 |
Electric vehicles as a solution for green driving in the future? A field study examining the user acceptance of electric vehicles I Neumann, P Cocron, T Franke, JF Krems Proceedings of the European conference on human interface design for …, 2010 | 85 | 2010 |
ATI-S-an ultra-short scale for assessing affinity for technology interaction in user studies D Wessel, C Attig, T Franke Proceedings of mensch und computer 2019, 147-154, 2019 | 82 | 2019 |
Which factors can protect against range stress in everyday usage of battery electric vehicles? Toward enhancing sustainability of electric mobility systems T Franke, N Rauh, M Günther, M Trantow, JF Krems Human Factors 58 (1), 13-26, 2016 | 75 | 2016 |
Assessing personality differences in human-technology interaction: an overview of key self-report scales to predict successful interaction C Attig, D Wessel, T Franke HCI International 2017–Posters' Extended Abstracts: 19th International …, 2017 | 72 | 2017 |
Ecodriving in hybrid electric vehicles–Exploring challenges for user-energy interaction T Franke, MG Arend, RC McIlroy, NA Stanton Applied ergonomics 55, 33-45, 2016 | 67 | 2016 |