Margherita fort
Margherita fort
Full Professor (Economics), University of Bologna, Dept. of Economics
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The Causal Effect of Education on Health: What is the Role of Health Behaviors?
G Brunello, M Fort, N Schneeweis, R Winter-Ebmer
Changes in Compulsory Schooling, Education and the Distribution of Wages in Europe*
G Brunello, M Fort, G Weber
The Economic Journal 119 (536), 516-539, 2009
The causal effect of education on body mass: Evidence from Europe
G Brunello, D Fabbri, M Fort
Journal of Labor Economics 31 (1), 195-223, 2013
Cognitive and noncognitive costs of day care at age 0–2 for children in advantaged families
M Fort, A Ichino, G Zanella
Journal of Political Economy 128 (1), 158-205, 2020
Cognitive and noncognitive costs of day care at age 0–2 for children in advantaged families
M Fort, A Ichino, G Zanella
Journal of Political Economy 128 (1), 158-205, 2020
Is education always reducing fertility? Evidence from compulsory schooling reforms
M Fort, N Schneeweis, R Winter‐Ebmer
The Economic Journal 126 (595), 1823-1855, 2016
Tower of Babel in the Classroom: Immigrants and Natives in Italian Schools
RM Ballatore, M Fort, A Ichino
Journal of Labor Economics 36 (4), 885-921, 2018
The Tower of Babel in the classroom: immigrants and natives in Italian schools
RM Ballatore, M Fort, A Ichino
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10341, 2015
More schooling, more children: Compulsory schooling reforms and fertility in Europe
M Fort, N Schneeweis, R Winter-Ebmer
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP8609, 2011
Educational reforms across Europe: a toolbox for empirical research
M Fort
unpublished paper available at http://home. stat. unipd. it/fort, 2006
Adult financial literacy and households’ financial assets: the role of bank information policies
M Fort, F Manaresi, S Trucchi
Economic Policy 31 (88), 743-782, 2016
The global covid-19 student survey: First wave results
DA Jaeger, J Arellano-Bover, K Karbownik, M Martínez-Matute, ...
Information and learning in oligopoly: An experiment
M Bigoni, M Fort
Games and Economic Behavior 81, 192-214, 2013
Cognitive and non-cognitive costs of daycare 0-2 for girls
M Fort, A Ichino, G Zanella
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11120, 2016
The cognitive cost of daycare 0-2 for children in advantaged families
M Fort, A Ichino, G Zanella
Technical Report, 2017
Years of schooling, human capital and the body mass index of European females
G Brunello, D Fabbri, M Fort
IZA Discussion Paper, 2010
Years of schooling, human capital and the body mass index of European females
G Brunello, D Fabbri, M Fort
IZA Discussion Paper, 2009
Years of schooling, human capital and the body mass index of European females
G Brunello, D Fabbri, M Fort
IZA Discussion Paper, 2009
On the intergenerational transmission of STEM education among graduate students
D Chise, M Fort, C Monfardini
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 21 (1), 115-145, 2021
Hacking Gender Stereotypes: Girls' Participation in Coding Clubs
M Carlana, M Fort
AEA Papers and Proceedings 112, 583-587, 2022
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