mariapia mendola
mariapia mendola
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Agricultural technology adoption and poverty reduction: A propensity-score matching analysis for rural Bangladesh
M Mendola
Food policy 32 (3), 372-393, 2007
Migration and technological change in rural households: Complements or substitutes?
M Mendola
Journal of Development Economics 85 (1-2), 150-175, 2008
Farm household production theories: A review of “institutional” and “behavioral” responses
M Mendola
Asian Development Review 24 (01), 49-68, 2007
Rural out‐migration and economic development at origin: A review of the evidence
M Mendola
Journal of International Development 24 (1), 102-122, 2012
Catastrophic and impoverishing effects of health expenditure: new evidence from the Western Balkans
C Bredenkamp, M Mendola, M Gragnolati
Health policy and planning 26 (4), 349-356, 2011
Migration and gender differences in the home labour market: Evidence from Albania
M Mendola, C Carletto
Labour Economics 19 (6), 870-880, 2012
Parental health and child schooling
M Bratti, M Mendola
Journal of health economics 35, 94-108, 2014
What Drives Individual Attitudes towards Immigration in S outh A frica?
G Facchini, AM Mayda, M Mendola
Review of International Economics 21 (2), 326-341, 2013
The welfare impact of land redistribution: Evidence from a quasi-experimental initiative in Malawi
M Mendola, F Simtowe
World Development 72, 53-69, 2015
Formation of migrant networks
M Comola, M Mendola
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 117 (2), 592-618, 2015
Rural out-migration and economic development at origin
M Mendola
Brighton, Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex, 1-18, 2006
Migration from developing countries: Selection, income elasticity, and Simpson’s paradox
MA Clemens, M Mendola
Journal of Development Economics 171, 103359, 2024
Xenophobic attacks, migration intentions, and networks: evidence from the South of Africa
G Friebel, JM Gallego, M Mendola
Journal of Population Economics 26, 555-591, 2013
International migration and gender differentials in the home labor market: Evidence from Albania
M Mendola, C Carletto
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2009
Refugee crisis and right-wing populism: Evidence from the Italian Dispersal Policy
F Campo, S Giunti, M Mendola
European Economic Review 168, 104826, 2024
South-South migration and the labor market: Evidence from South Africa
G Facchini, AM Mayda, M Mendola
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP9450, 2013
South–South migration and the labor market: evidence from South Africa
C Biavaschi, G Facchini, AM Mayda, M Mendola
Journal of Economic Geography 18 (4), 823-853, 2018
Social determinants of labor market status of ethnic minorities in Britain
M Kahanec, M Mendola
Ethnicity and Labor Market Outcomes, 167-195, 2009
Labour migration and social networks participation in southern Mozambique
JM Gallego, M Mendola
Economica 80 (320), 721-759, 2013
The impoverishing effect of adverse health events: Evidence from the Western Balkans
M Mendola, C Bredenkamp, M Gragnolati
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2007
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