Wolfgang Frimmel
Wolfgang Frimmel
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Assortative mating and divorce: Evidence from Austrian register data
W Frimmel, M Halla, R Winter-Ebmer
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 176 …, 2013
Retirement and healthcare utilization
W Frimmel, GJ Pruckner
Journal of Public Economics 184, 104146, 2020
Grandmothers’ labor supply
W Frimmel, M Halla, B Schmidpeter, R Winter-Ebmer
Journal of Human Resources 57 (5), 1645-1689, 2022
Seniority wages and the role of firms in retirement
W Frimmel, T Horvath, M Schnalzenberger, R Winter-Ebmer
Journal of Public Economics 164, 19-32, 2018
Can pro-marriage policies work? An analysis of marginal marriages
W Frimmel, M Halla, R Winter-Ebmer
Demography 51, 1357-1379, 2014
The intergenerational causal effect of tax evasion: Evidence from the commuter tax allowance in Austria
W Frimmel, M Halla, J Paetzold
Journal of the European Economic Association 17 (6), 1843-1880, 2019
How does parental divorce affect children’s long-term outcomes?
W Frimmel, M Halla, R Winter-Ebmer
Journal of Public Economics 239, 105201, 2024
Health of Parents, Their Children's Labor Supply, and the Role of Migrant Care Workers
W Frimmel, M Halla, J Paetzold, J Schmieder
Birth weight and family status revisited: evidence from Austrian register data
W Frimmel, GJ Pruckner
Health Economics 23 (4), 426-445, 2014
Later retirement and the labor market re-integration of elderly unemployed workers
W Frimmel
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 19, 100310, 2021
External pay transparency and the gender wage gap
W Frimmel, B Schmidpeter, R Wiesinger, R Winter-Ebmer
RF Berlin-CReAM Discussion Paper Series, 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic and health care utilization: Evidence from Austrian register data
W Frimmel, GJ Pruckner
Working Paper, 2024
Seniority Wages and the Role of Firms in Retirement
R Winter-Ebmer, GT Horvath, W Frimmel, M Schnalzenberger
CEPR Discussion Papers, 2015
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