Christopher R. Wren
Christopher R. Wren
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Pfinder: Real-time tracking of the human body
CR Wren, A Azarbayejani, T Darrell, AP Pentland
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 19 (7), 780-785, 1997
Method for processing queries for surveillance tasks
Y Ivanov, C Wren
US Patent App. 11/429,024, 2007
Dynamic models of human motion
CR Wren, AP Pentland
Proceedings Third IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and …, 1998
Real-time 3-D tracking of the human body
A Azarbayejani, C Wren, A Pentland
Proceedings of Image'com 96, 1996
Surveillance System and Method for Tracking and Identifying Objects in Environments
YA Ivanov, A Sorokin, CR Wren
US Patent App. 11/565,264, 2008
Methods of establishing a communications link using perceptual sensing of a user's presence
JL Center Jr, CR Wren, S Basu, E Gusyatin
US Patent 7,242,421, 2007
Toward scalable activity recognition for sensor networks
CR Wren, EM Tapia
International Symposium on Location-and Context-Awareness, 168-185, 2006
Understanding purposeful human motion
CR Wren, AP Pentland
Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Modelling People. MPeople'99, 19-25, 1999
Videoconferencing method with tracking of face and dynamic bandwidth allocation
JL Center Jr, CR Wren
US Patent 6,680,745, 2004
Visualizing the history of living spaces
Y Ivanov, C Wren, A Sorokin, I Kaur
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 13 (6), 1153-1160, 2007
Real-time 3D motion capture
T Horprasert, I Haritaoglu, C Wren, D Harwood, L Davis, A Pentland
Second workshop on perceptual interfaces 2, 1998
Perceptive spaces for performance and entertainment untethered interaction using computer vision and audition
CR Wren, F Sparacino, AJ Azarbayejani, TJ Darrell, TE Starner, A Kotani, ...
Applied artificial intelligence 11 (4), 267-284, 1997
Google+ ripples: A native visualization of information flow
F Viégas, M Wattenberg, J Hebert, G Borggaard, A Cichowlas, J Feinberg, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 1389-1398, 2013
Computer vision depth segmentation using virtual surface
YA Ivanov, AP Pentland, CR Wren
US Patent 6,911,995, 2005
Augmented performance in dance and theater
F Sparacino, C Wren, G Davenport, A Pentland
International Dance and Technology 99, 25-28, 1999
The merl motion detector dataset
CR Wren, YA Ivanov, D Leigh, J Westhues
Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Massive datasets, 10-14, 2007
Hierarchical processing in scalable and portable sensor networks for activity recognition
CR Wren, EM Tapia
US Patent 7,359,836, 2008
Toward spatial queries for spatial surveillance tasks
YA Ivanov, CR Wren
Pervasive: Workshop Pervasive Technology Applied Real-World Experiences with …, 2006
System and method for modeling movement of objects using probabilistic graphs obtained from surveillance data
CR Wren, YA Ivanov, A Sorokin, IK Banga
US Patent 8,149,278, 2012
Change detection by frequency decomposition: Wave-back
F Porikli, C Wren
Proc. of Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, 2005
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