Noel Crespi
Noel Crespi
Other namesNoël Crespi
Professor @ Telecom SudParis, Institut Mines-Telecom, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Cited by
Digital twin in the IoT context: A survey on technical features, scenarios, and architectural models
R Minerva, GM Lee, N Crespi
Proceedings of the IEEE 108 (10), 1785-1824, 2020
Internet of things-aided smart grid: technologies, architectures, applications, prototypes, and future research directions
Y Saleem, N Crespi, MH Rehmani, R Copeland
Ieee Access 7, 62962-63003, 2019
A BERT-based transfer learning approach for hate speech detection in online social media
M Mozafari, R Farahbakhsh, N Crespi
Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII: Volume 1 Proceedings of the …, 2020
The cluster between internet of things and social networks: Review and research challenges
AM Ortiz, D Hussein, S Park, SN Han, N Crespi
IEEE internet of things journal 1 (3), 206-215, 2014
Wireless sensor network virtualization: A survey
I Khan, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, N Crespi, M Morrow, P Polakos
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (1), 553-576, 2015
Hate speech detection and racial bias mitigation in social media based on BERT model
M Mozafari, R Farahbakhsh, N Crespi
PloS one 15 (8), e0237861, 2020
NetSpam: A network-based spam detection framework for reviews in online social media
S Shehnepoor, M Salehi, R Farahbakhsh, N Crespi
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12 (7), 1585-1595, 2017
Electric vehicle charge scheduling mechanism to maximize cost efficiency and user convenience
HM Chung, WT Li, C Yuen, CK Wen, N Crespi
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (3), 3020-3030, 2018
Semantic context-aware service composition for building automation system
SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 10 (1), 752-761, 2013
A comprehensive survey of the tactile internet: State-of-the-art and research directions
N Promwongsa, A Ebrahimzadeh, D Naboulsi, S Kianpisheh, F Belqasmi, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (1), 472-523, 2020
A comparative analysis of machine/deep learning models for parking space availability prediction
FM Awan, Y Saleem, R Minerva, N Crespi
Sensors 20 (1), 322, 2020
Internet of things
GM Lee, N Crespi, JK Choi, M Boussard
Evolution of Telecommunication Services: The Convergence of Telecom and …, 2013
Wireless sensor network virtualization: early architecture and research perspectives
I Khan, F Belqasmi, R Glitho, N Crespi, M Morrow, P Polakos
IEEE Network 29 (3), 104-112, 2015
Towards a social network based approach for services composition
A Maaradji, H Hacid, J Daigremont, N Crespi
2010 IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1-5, 2010
DPWSim: A simulation toolkit for IoT applications using devices profile for web services
SN Han, GM Lee, N Crespi, K Heo, N Van Luong, M Brut, P Gatellier
2014 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 544-547, 2014
CPVNF: Cost-efficient proactive VNF placement and chaining for value-added services in content delivery networks
M Dieye, S Ahvar, J Sahoo, E Ahvar, R Glitho, H Elbiaze, N Crespi
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 15 (2), 774-786, 2018
Industrial internet of things-based collaborative sensing intelligence: framework and research challenges
Y Chen, GM Lee, L Shu, N Crespi
Sensors 16 (2), 215, 2016
A survey on blockchain-based identity management and decentralized privacy for personal data
K Gilani, E Bertin, J Hatin, N Crespi
2020 2nd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative …, 2020
Network coding in cognitive radio networks: A comprehensive survey
A Naeem, MH Rehmani, Y Saleem, I Rashid, N Crespi
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (3), 1945-1973, 2017
Health-ID: A blockchain-based decentralized identity management for remote healthcare
IT Javed, F Alharbi, B Bellaj, T Margaria, N Crespi, KN Qureshi
Healthcare 9 (6), 712, 2021
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Articles 1–20