Beste / mest relevante utgivelser
h5-indeksen er h-indeksen for artikler som er utgitt de siste 5 hele årene. Det er det største h-tallet, slik at h-artikler som er utgitt 2018-2022 har minst h sitater hver.skjul
h5-medianen for en utgivelse er mediantallet for sitater for artiklene som utgjør h5-indeksen dens.skjul
1.Journal of General Internal Medicine82122
2.American Family Physician64105
3.British Journal of General Practice5380
4.BMC Family Practice4970
5.The Annals of Family Medicine4569
6.BMC Primary Care4360
7.Canadian Family Physician3760
8.The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine3546
9.Family Practice3545
10.Journal of Primary Care & Community Health3452
11.Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice3359
12.African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine3146
13.Australian Journal of General Practice3044
14.Primary Health Care Research & Development2938
15.Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care2836
16.Family Medicine2734
17.Journal of Family and Community Medicine2659
18.The Journal for Nurse Practitioners2633
19.British Journal of General Practice Open2546
20.Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners2538
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